
Blair's legacy to be demolished

Posted by Graham Thompson — 22 March 2013 at 2:19pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Kate Davison / Greenpeace

The third worst eyesore in Britain, according to readers of Country Life, and one of our top three polluters, closed forever today.

Didcot Power Station: Greenpeace occupation ends!

Posted by bex — 3 November 2006 at 7:00pm - Comments

Volunteer on top of the cooling tower

© Greenpeace/Kate Davison

Twenty-five of our climate campaigners were arrested at 5.30pm, after spending two days occupying Didcot, Britain's dirtiest power station, succesfully cutting Co2 emissions by stopping coal from being fed into the facility. Their point? To show that there's cleaner, more efficient ways of generating energy - like decentralised energy.

Tea at the top of a coal tower

Posted by bex — 2 November 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Tea at the top of the coal towerThis morning 30 of our volunteers envaded the UK's second largest coal power station. One group stopped the coal conveyor belt and chained themselves to machinery, while a second group made their way up 1052 stairs to the top of the chimney.

After all those stairs, it was time for a cuppa.

We shut down the facity because - like most of the Britain’s power stations – two-thirds of the energy it generates is wasted, making a massive contribution to climate change. Later the volunteers set to work painting "Blair's Legacy" down the side of the chimney.

We hear a lot of fine talk from Tony Blair, but in reality C02 emissions have gone up under Labour while the climate crisis deepens. His legacy will be climate chaos. Our volunteers will leave the power station when he pledges to ditch these dinosaurs and start investing in cutting edge decentralised energy.

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