Global Day Of Action

Global action against nuclear power one year after Fukushima

Posted by petespeller — 5 March 2012 at 6:57pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Melvinas Priananda / Greenpeace

This Sunday is the first anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan. This natural disaster left 20,000 people dead and missing and thousands more homeless. The tsunami also flooded the back-up generators that were powering the cooling systems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, causing several of the reactors to go into meltdown.

Gather together for a day of global action on climate change

Posted by jamie — 4 December 2008 at 2:44pm - Comments

Campaign against Climate Change The run-up to Christmas is usually a hectic time for climate change aficionados, not because we're busy buying each other wind-up torches and mini-wind turbines to put under the tree, but there's just so much happening on the global scene. Not only is it the time for international climate talks (Bali last year, Poznan happening now, Copenhagen in 12 months), but the Global Day of Action has swung round once more.

If you can brave the cold, this Saturday 6 December is the one to mark in your diary and London will witness a march to Parliament Square where the likes of Nick Clegg, Caroline Lucas and George Monbiot will be speaking to the crowds. Assemble at 12 noon in Grosvenor Square, outside the US embassy, and there's also protest bike ride from Lincoln's Inn Fields at 10.30am. Further details are on the Campaign Against Climate Change website.

Of course, as it's a Global Day of Action, there are events happening right across the planet. Examine the Global Climate Campaign website to find what's happening in your country.

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