Hewlett Packard

Green points for Hewlett Packard and Apple in our latest electronics guide

Posted by jossc — 1 October 2009 at 11:55am - Comments

Apple and Hewlett Packard get green points this month, as HP is rewarded in the latest edition of our Guide to Greener Electronics and Apple releases details of their greenhouse gas emissions. But the big points go to activist consumers for proving once again that public pressure creates positive change.

Toxic cheats Hewlett Packard incur the wrath of Kirk

Posted by jossc — 30 July 2009 at 10:12am - Comments

When Hewlett Packhard staff arriving for work at the company's California HQ checked their phone messages yesterday morning, they found a recorded message from Star Trek's Captain James T Kirk waiting for them. Actor William Shatner urged them to question their boss, Mark Hurd, about the reasons why HP recently reneged on its promise to phase out dangerous toxic substances from its computers by 2009.

Green IT: broken promises from HP, Lenovo and Dell

Posted by jossc — 1 July 2009 at 4:55pm - Comments

We've given HP, Lenovo and Dell - the world's biggest PC makers - a penalty point in our updated Guide to Greener Electronics, for backtracking on their commitments to eliminate PVC plastic and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) from their products by the end of 2009.

Electronics companies clean up their acts

Posted by bex — 20 September 2007 at 2:18pm - Comments

It's that time again; we've just released our latest quarterly Greener Electronics Guide, which ranks manufacturers on their toxics and recycling policies and practices.

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