
Greenpeace India: Undaunted, undefeated and unstoppable

Posted by Greenpeace UK — 23 July 2015 at 5:36pm - Comments
Activists hold a giant aerial banner saying 'You can't muzzle dissent!'
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

This is a guest post by Vinuta Gopal, who is the interim Co-Executive Director at Greenpeace India.

Greenpeace India ought to be finished by now. We’ve had our accounts frozen, our reputation smeared and our staff banned from travel. Mr. Rajnath Singh, the Minister of Home Affairs has done everything he can to shut down our offices, harass our staff and force us to close. But we’re still here.

Why is Greenpeace India having to fight a Government crackdown?

Posted by Sondhya Gupta — 28 May 2015 at 1:06pm - Comments
Tiger roaring government crackdown equals greenpeace shutdown Join the fightback
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace UK
Government crackdown = greenpeace shutdown

Why is Greenpeace India on the receiving end of a government crackdown?

Over the last 15 years, Greenpeace India has had some important victories. We have worked to get clean air, clean water and clean energy for the country. In doing so, we have challenged the fossil fuel industry and held some corporations accountable. Sometimes, we disagreed with the government too. This has now earned us the wrath of India's Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).

In pictures: Seeing light after 33 years of darkness, first fully solar-powered village in India

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 24 July 2014 at 4:03pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Vivek M / Greenpeace
A solar powered street lamp seen at the Bishunpur Tolla, Dharnai village.

We just take it for granted: cleaning our teeth with an electric toothbrush in the morning, unlimited texting, tweeting and snap-chatting with our friends on the way to work, safe and well-lit streets, superfast internet access from our desk, the list goes on.<--break->

But for 300 million people in India this is not a given as they are still waiting for electricity.

HSBC backs nuclear power in Indian earthquake zone

Posted by jamie — 11 May 2011 at 12:34pm - Comments
Site of the proposed nuclear power station in Jaitapur, India
All rights reserved. Credit: Apoorva Salkade / Greenpeace
Site of the proposed nuclear power station in Jaitapur, India

Two months ago, an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. This not only resulted in a huge natural disaster and humanitarian crisis, but also triggered an unprecedented man-made tragedy. And yet plans are afoot to build a nuclear power plant in another earthquake zone, this time in India.

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