
Who still banks on destroying Indonesia's forests?

Posted by jamie — 15 March 2017 at 1:07am - Comments
Forest clearance in land owned by a subsidiary of Bumitama Gunajaya Agro, West K
All rights reserved. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti / Greenpeace
Many major banks need to act and refuse funding to palm oil companies that destroy forests

A few weeks ago, HSBC took a big step forward in cutting its links with the destruction of Indonesia's forests by pledging to end funding for destructive palm oil companies. But HSBC is not the only bank lending money to palm oil companies pushing further and further into the forest, and the others now have a lot of catching up to do.

HSBC: what they've said about funding deforestation, and why it's wrong

Posted by jamie — 8 February 2017 at 3:59pm - Comments
Bulldozers clearing peatland forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
All rights reserved. Credit: Kemal Jufri / Greenpeace
Bumitama, the company behind these bulldozers, received loans from HSBC despite breaching the bank's policies

Over three weeks ago, we exposed how HSBC is funding palm oil companies that are tearing up Indonesia's forests. Since then, thousands of emails have been sent to the CEO. Now HSBC is responding to those emails, but what it's saying is at times misguided, and other times just plain wrong.

HSBC boss grilled on Greenpeace campaign at Davos

Posted by Joe Sutherland — 25 January 2017 at 4:27pm - Comments

Last week we revealed that HSBC - the biggest bank in the UK - is funding palm oil companies who are destroying rainforests in Indonesia. People across the world have since demanded that HSBC stop its profit-hungry palm oil investments.

HSBC backs nuclear power in Indian earthquake zone

Posted by jamie — 11 May 2011 at 12:34pm - Comments
Site of the proposed nuclear power station in Jaitapur, India
All rights reserved. Credit: Apoorva Salkade / Greenpeace
Site of the proposed nuclear power station in Jaitapur, India

Two months ago, an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. This not only resulted in a huge natural disaster and humanitarian crisis, but also triggered an unprecedented man-made tragedy. And yet plans are afoot to build a nuclear power plant in another earthquake zone, this time in India.

HSBC drops shares in forest trashing Sinar Mas

Posted by jamie — 8 July 2010 at 9:21am - Comments

Wahey, you've scored another victory! After receiving nearly 10,000 emails (and seeing some excellent spoof adverts), HSBC has sold its shares in Sinar Mas, one of the worst companies responsible for ripping up the Indonesian rainforest for palm oil and pulp plantations. It's fantastic news (as The Guardian was quick to agree) that has shone a light on the financial side of deforestation. And you made this happen - thanks!

HSBC adverts are just greenwash, so why not make your own?

Posted by jamie — 3 June 2010 at 11:08am - Comments

If this man's tree-top home was in the way of profit, do you think HSBC would really stop the bulldozers? 

Update: Thanks to the thousands of emails sent and the videos you made, HSBC have since sold their shares in Sinar Mas.

HSBC's advertising creates a world where this monolithic financial institution truly empathises with the cultural, environmental and deeply symbolic relationships people have with trees and rainforests. It's a make-believe world, of course. The bank's actions speak far louder than the syrupy voiceovers and twee sentiments in their adverts, so just like BP's logo, they're ripe for a makeover. So why not make one of your own?

HSBC forest policy has loopholes you could drive a bulldozer through

Posted by jamie — 19 May 2010 at 12:04pm - Comments

Given we've turned our sights away from Nestle towards HSBC, a few more details might be in order about why we've gone from chocolatey giant to banking colossus as the next stage in our campaign to stop Indonesia's rainforests being replaced with palm oil and paper plantations. It's a lateral step but then our intent has always been to tackle the palm oil industry at every level, from production to consumption and all points in between.

Success! You made Nestlé drop dodgy palm oil! Now let's bank it with HSBC

Posted by jamie — 17 May 2010 at 10:28am - Comments
Nestle won! HSCB next!
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

You'll never guess what. Nestlé has only gone and agreed to our campaign demands! And you've made this possible. We really, seriously could not have done it without you. Now we need to move straight on to the next big player in the palm oil industry - banking giant HSBC.

Drowning in greenwash

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2008 at 4:03pm - Comments

Watching TV used to be a relaxing pleasure but now it makes my blood boil. It's not the programmes so much (although a lot of it is rubbish) but the advert breaks overflowing with greenwash, filled with images of doe-eyed creatures and tranquil woodlands by companies trying to convince me that they're really very green and, actually, always have been.

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