
Victory: Offshore wind farm will be built in Wales

Posted by bex — 5 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
off-shore wind farm

off-shore wind farm

The future is looks brighter from Swansea bay, the Scarweather Sands offshore wind farm has made it over the last remaining hurdle in the Welsh Assembly and the project can go ahead without delay.

Assembly members blocked last minute Tory efforts to force another debate on the wind farm, and opponents of the clean energy project have run out of options to try to defeat the proposal.

Although opponents claimed the farm sitting three miles off the coast would be an eyesore, the wind farm will prove to be a boon to the local tourist industry. In a survey carried out last summer, 96% of visitors questioned said they were more likely or just as likely to return to the Swansea Bay resort of Porthcawl if the turbines go up.

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