Nick Broomfield

Greenpeace podcast: 'A Time Comes'

Posted by jossc — 29 May 2009 at 11:46am - Comments


In this edition of our podcast we talk to award-winning film maker Nick Broomfield about his latest project. 'A Time Comes' is an 18 minute documentary about our very own Kingsnorth Six, who were arrested for shutting down a coal-fired power station but found 'not guilty' at the subsequent trial.

But first let's head down to the Airplot to meet veteran comedian and star of fabled 1970s tv series 'The Good Life', Richard Briers. Richard turned up at our plot of land on the site of the proposed new runway at Heathrow to help us dig for victory in the campaign by starting an allotment – Christian Hunt grabbed a spade and went along to meet him.

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