Kingsnorth Six

Greenpeace podcast: 'A Time Comes'

Posted by jossc — 29 May 2009 at 11:46am - Comments


In this edition of our podcast we talk to award-winning film maker Nick Broomfield about his latest project. 'A Time Comes' is an 18 minute documentary about our very own Kingsnorth Six, who were arrested for shutting down a coal-fired power station but found 'not guilty' at the subsequent trial.

But first let's head down to the Airplot to meet veteran comedian and star of fabled 1970s tv series 'The Good Life', Richard Briers. Richard turned up at our plot of land on the site of the proposed new runway at Heathrow to help us dig for victory in the campaign by starting an allotment – Christian Hunt grabbed a spade and went along to meet him.

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Government planning to take 'Kingsnorth Defence' away from juries

Posted by jossc — 18 December 2008 at 8:54am - Comments

Kingsnorth Six leaving court

Kingsnorth Six leaving Maidstone Crown Court after being found not guilty © Rezac / Greenpeace

Last time I looked we had a long and honourable tradition in this country of respect for justice and juries. And, though some might think it strange to say so, that respect lies at the heart of Greenpeace's direct action culture. Greenpeace volunteers take personal responsibility for their actions and leave it to 'the people', in the form of a 12-person randomly selected jury, to determine whether that action was appropriate and lawful or not.

The 'climate change defense' named one of the ideas of 2008

Posted by jamie — 15 December 2008 at 5:28pm - Comments

The New York Times magazine isn't on my normal reading list but my attention has been pointed towards their annual Year In Ideas issue. This festive celebration of high-concept thinking (and the odd stocking filler, like never-ending bubble wrap) is their take on the year in review and there was great excitement in the office this morning when we heard that the Kingsnorth Six had made it into the August list.

Greenpeace podcast: behind the scenes at the Kingsnorth Trial

Posted by bex — 24 September 2008 at 10:21am - Comments

In this special edition of our podcast, we take a behind the scenes look at the extraordinary events that have already gone down in legend here at the Greenpeace office. This month, six Greenpeace activists were acquitted of causing criminal damage to Kingsnorth coal-fired power station, because they were acting to prevent greater damage caused by climate change. The verdict has been hailed by some of the world's more hysterical media pundits as the official start of a state of anarchy in the UK.

I spent ten days with the defendants, finding out what was really happening, and how they were coping with the emotion, stress and drama of being at the centre of it all.

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Witness statements in full »
The case against coal »
Closing the energy gap »
The real solution »

Kingsnorth trial: witness statements in full

Posted by bex — 12 September 2008 at 2:17pm - Comments

Zak Goldsmith outside Maidstone Crown Court

Zak Goldsmith outside Maidstone Crown Court © Greenpeace/Jiri Rezak

As promised, here are the full written statements from the defence witnesses at the Kingsnorth trial:

Obviously, these don't include verbal answers the witnesses gave while they were on the stand - check out the daily blogs from the trial for some of those.

Kingsnorth trial: Jim Hansen's full statement

Posted by bex — 12 September 2008 at 10:49am - Comments

James Hansen

James Hansen in conversation outside Maidstone Crown Court © Rezac/Greenpeace

I blogged bits of Hansen's spoken testimony on the day he gave it, but here's his written witness statement in full (pdf).

If you don't want to read through the whole thing, here are the summary facts (known, as Hansen writes, "by the UK government, by the utility EON, by the fossil fuel industry, and by the defendants at the time of their actions in 2007"):

Kingsnorth media coverage catapults coal onto the public agenda

Posted by jossc — 11 September 2008 at 1:28pm - Comments

Emily Hall prepares to send a message to the government

Hats off to the Kingsnorth Six for having the courage to risk prison to hold the government's misguided energy policy to account. The fact that Gordon Brown and co are planning to ramp up Britain's consumption of coal (the most climate damaging fossil fuel) had gone largely unnoticed by our mainstream media until yesterday's successful trial result. Not any more!

Breaking news: Kingsnorth Six found not guilty!

Posted by bex — 10 September 2008 at 3:29pm - Comments
The Greenpeace activists who closed down Kingsnorth coal-fired power station
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
The Greenpeace activists who closed down Kingsnorth coal-fired power station

See all trial updates.

It's been a pretty unusual ten days but today has been truly extraordinary. At 3.20pm, the jury came back into court and announced a majority verdict of not guilty! All six defendants - Kevin, Emily, Tim, Will, Ben and Huw - were acquitted of criminal damage.

To recap on how important this verdict is: the defendants campaigners were accused of causing £30,000 of criminal damage to Kingsnorth smokestack from painting. The defence was that they had 'lawful excuse' - because they were acting to protect property around the world "in immediate need of protection" from the impacts of climate change, caused in part by burning coal.

Kingsnorth trial day seven: the jury's out

Posted by bex — 9 September 2008 at 5:34pm - Comments

Kingsnorth coal-fired power station

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A relatively short blog today (I thought you deserved it after yesterday's dissertation).

The judge finished summing up before lunch and, at 12.50pm, the jury retired to consider the verdict. By the end of the day, after a fair bit of pacing and nail biting in the defendants' camp, the jury said they hadn't yet been able to reach a unanimous verdict. So the trial - and the slightly frayed nerves - continue into Wednesday. 

Kingsnorth trial day six: the summing up

Posted by bex — 8 September 2008 at 5:56pm - Comments

The Kingsnorth Six outside Maidstone Crown Court

The Kingsnorth Six outside Maidstone Crown Court © Rezac/Greenpeace

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Things are getting really interesting; the end of the trial is probably close (it looks as though the jury will be sent out to decide their verdict at 11.30 on Tuesday), we've seen the summing up from both the defence and the prosecution, there's been laughter and a few tears and, again, I'm going to struggle to get all my notes into a blog-sized piece.

First up was a statement (originally due on Friday) from Aqqaluk Lynge, an Inuit leader personally responsible for addressing damage to property in Greenland as a result of climate change. There's a lot of it for him to address:

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