
Climate camp ends with nationwide protests

Posted by jamie — 20 August 2007 at 5:20pm - Comments

A climate camp protester holds up a banner in front of police

Money isn't everything © Gavin Austin

The climate camp's 24 hours of action has drawn to a close and it's been a rare old time with protests springing up all over the country, not just around Heathrow. When I left the camp last night, a large group of people were camped outside BAA's offices near the airport and thanks to Indymedia's rather excellent Twittering, my mobile has continued to deliver updates about what was going on.

Cheating on climate

Posted by jamie — 21 June 2007 at 3:25pm - Comments

I was chatting to the guys from the Centre for Alternative Technology earlier today (they're running the Bluetooth Takeaway in our field at Glastonbury) about some videos we might film about what they're up to at the festival. It seems, however, that they're already video stars in their own right, having filmed and starred in their own production, Cheat Neutral.

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