
The Trident tour finishes

Posted by bex — 16 March 2007 at 12:27pm - Comments

Part of the Trident: we don't buy it tour blog

Sunrise over The Sunrise

Sunrise over The Sunrise
© Greenpeace/Sumner

Blimey. I’m not sure how time has slipped past so fast but, after a five week frenzy of Faslane blockading, crane climbing, arrests, solitary confinement, losing the ship, getting it back again, bearing witness, gigs, press conferences, political events, rallies and general sleep deprivation, the Trident: we don’t buy it tour has just come to an end.

The Arctic Sunrise set sail for Scandinavia a couple of hours ago, cheered on from the quayside by a smattering of exhausted Greenpeace folk and watched by the police boat that inevitably appears every time the ship moves.

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