
MPs have given the thumbs up to fracking - but this one's far from over

Posted by simon clydesdale — 27 January 2015 at 6:01pm - Comments
Our petition asking MPs to say no to fracking under homes reached 361,736 signat
All rights reserved. Credit: Jiri Rezac | Greenpeace UK
Our petition asking MPs to say no to fracking under homes reached 361,736 signatures

Yesterday, after much wrangling, the Infrastructure Bill was approved by MPs. The government had designed this new legislation to be the fracker’s charter. But it has now emerged in a rather different form than Mr Cameron and the fracking industry planned when they first concocted their irresponsible wishlist to help them frack across the UK.

Shock: 3/4 British people want fracking companies to ask before tunnelling underneath their homes.

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 6 May 2014 at 10:26am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: greenpeace

Last month we found out that the government is cooking up plans to strip homeowners and tenants of their legal right to deny permission to companies that want to frack directly underneath their property. If every English person’s home is their castle, then government ministers are currently digging a tunnel underneath the ramparts to let the frackers in.

The day you all went to Strasbourg, and made history

Posted by Willie — 7 February 2013 at 10:49am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
"Victory for citizen power" said Roger Harriban, BBC, environment analyst

Where were you when you heard the news? I was sitting in a very chilly train station in Edinburgh, cursing a delayed train, unable to extricate myself from Twitter to go get a restorative coffee, when the news came through: Members of the European Parliament, those elected but often-maligned creatures, had voted overwhelmingly in favour of radical, progressive reform of Europe’s fish laws.

Stand up for electoral reform and fix our broken parliament

Posted by jamie — 7 May 2010 at 3:36pm - Comments

This is going to be a bit off-topic but stick with me as given the circumstances I think it's relevant for this blog. That a party can get 23 per cent of the vote but only claim 9 per cent of the seats in parliament seems grossly unfair. As does the notion that another party can garner 36 per cent of votes, and see that translated into 46 per cent of seats. Yet, more or less, that's what our electoral system has delivered.

Video: flashdancers get footloose for climate change

Posted by jamie — 13 October 2009 at 4:59pm - Comments

If you've been wondering what the tweets and Twitpics about the dancers during the Parliament occupation were all about, here's the explanation. Yesterday morning, this group from the Power Shift youth conference staged a flashdance (like a flashmob but, you know, in the medium of dance) below the London Eye to supportaction on climate change.

They then upped sticks and crossed the river to repeat the whole thing in Parliament Square where the volunteers who'd spent a chilly night on the roof watching. Christian, who'd just arrived back from the action, says it really, really cheered them up.

(There's another video with footage from Parliament Square on the Guardian.)

Q&A from the roof of Parliament

Posted by jamie — 11 October 2009 at 7:45pm - Comments

A little while ago, I spoke to two of the volunteers who are camped up on top of the Houses of Parliament to find out how they were getting on. Louise explains the challenge of getting up there:


And Christian answers some questions posed by followers on Twitter:


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