Radioactive Waste

Japan's nuclear leak: earthquakes, fire and fault lines

Posted by bex — 19 July 2007 at 1:59pm - Comments

On Monday, an earthquake hit Kashiwazaki in north-western Japan, killing nine people and injuring hundreds more. Already a disaster for the citizens of Kashiwazaki, thousands of whom are now living in shelters, things could have been much, much worse.

Kawashaki is the location of the world’s biggest nuclear power plant – the site of seven nuclear reactors. At first it was thought that the 6.8 magnitude earthquake had just caused a fire at the plant and Tepco – the nuclear company - initially said no radioactivity was released. "No harm" was done, said a spokesperson.

Then we were told that in fact there had been a leak, but it was only 1.5 gallons of radioactive water. On Tuesday, it emerged that just a smidgen more radioactive water might have leaked than 1.5 gallons. About 243 times more. And the water was 50 times more radioactive than had been stated.

"Attention commuters! The next train to arrive will be a nuclear waste train"

Posted by bex — 26 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace activists warn commuters about a nuclear waste train passing through Kensington Olympia

Greenpeace activists warn commuters about a nuclear waste train passing through Kensington Olympia

End of the line for nuclear transports

Megaphone mania has hit stations around London as Greenpeace activists took to giant megaphones to alert commuters to the hidden hazard in their midst: terror targets on wheels.

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