Sinar Mas

Forests Day: what happened after a forest destroyer stopped cutting down the rainforest?

Posted by Richardg — 21 March 2013 at 11:52am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Natalie Behring / Greenpeace

Today is the UN’s International Day of Forests. It’s also about two years since you helped us persuade Golden Agri Resources to stop chopping down Indonesia’s rainforests. Sounds like a good time to look at what happened next.

Forest trasher APP goes for another spin in the greenwash cycle

Posted by jamie — 2 December 2010 at 6:45pm - Comments
Exposing the real story of APP and deforestation in Indonesia
All rights reserved. Credit: Sarwano/Greenpeace
Exposing the real story of APP and deforestation in Indonesia

Forest campaigner Daniela Montalto assesses APP's latest attempts to convince everyone that it really does like trees. Honestly.

It didn't take too long for the notorious rainforest destroyer Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) to make another desperate attempt to distract from the facts.

How our Nestle campaign travelled around the web

Posted by jamie — 28 October 2010 at 2:20pm - Comments

Sinar Mas influence map

The Sinar Mas influence map by Salter Baxter

Is it a tube map for spiders? A diagram of the galactic core? No, it's an analysis of our ongoing Sinar Mas campaign, specifically the way it has evolved online.

Communication consultants Salter Baxter have tracked how our campaigns on Nestlé, HSBC, Burger King and their connections to Sinar Mas have been discussed on the web, how those conversations have interacted and what impact they've had on the campaign itself.

Scientists criticise claims by logging and palm oil industry mouthpieces

Posted by jamie — 27 October 2010 at 10:25am - Comments

Scientists are objecting to claims made by industry lobby groups, including the amount of carbon stored in plantations compared to rainforests © Greenpeace/Behring-Chisholm

Big oil companies are not the only ones to engage in a spot of sneaky zeitgeist manipulation. The palm oil, paper and timber companies of South East Asia are also dabbling in these dark arts with various front organisations softly massaging public and political opinion.

Both Sinar Mas and Rimbunan Hijau - a Malaysian agribusiness giant - have strong links to Alan Oxley, who runs two groups, the World Growth Institute (WGI) thinktank and consultants ITS Global, both of which have been lobbying hard on behalf of their corporate benefactors.

Rainbow Warrior ordered out of Indonesia - rainforest destruction allowed to stay

Posted by bex — 25 October 2010 at 11:57am - Comments

Deforestation continues in Indonesia, as this image taken on 16 October of an area cleared for an Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) plantation shows (c) Sutton-Hibbert/Greenpeace

Being a part of a Greenpeace ship tour is never boring. Generally, you expect the unexpected, and then you're surprised. But even by ship tour standards, the Rainbow Warrior's recent 'tour' of Indonesia was an interesting one.

It started with high hopes that our peaceful campaigning ship would be able to support the Indonesian president's stated aims of ending deforestation in Indonesia. It ended with the Rainbow Warrior being denied vital supplies and being ordered - and escorted - out of Indonesian waters and well into international waters by two navy vessels, in breach of international maritime law.

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