
Meeting the Rainbow Warriors

Posted by bex — 27 October 2008 at 12:57am - Comments

Greenpeace kid

A child visiting the Rainbow Warrior in Southend, after having his face painted on the pier. © Will Rose / Greenpeace.

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Occasionally, when we pass each other in an alleyway and none of our more seasoned seafaring friends (the crew) are around, us Greenpeace UK office-dwellers lucky enough to be on the Rainbow Warrior will whisper to each other: I love this ship.

It turns out a lot of people feel the same. In London, we had passers-by shouting from the quayside to tell us so. And over the past two days, well over a thousand people have come from all over - Manchester, Devon, Wiltshire, Bristol, Jersey - to visit the ship. Toddlers and octogenarians, nuns and football fans all queued in the rain for the chance to see the Rainbow Warrior II (or too) in the 55.2 metres of riveted steel flesh. A huge thank you to everyone who came.

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