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Keeping in touch with Greenpeace

Posted by jamie — 12 November 2007 at 6:04pm - Comments

Keeping up with everything that's happening at Greenpeace is a challenge - I work here and sometimes I find it a struggle. But we have got some nifty services to make that a whole lot easier and instead of coming here to find out what the latest news is, we can come to you instead.

For instance, there's a automated service which will send an email when we publish new stories or information on the site. It's a daily digest so you won't be bombarded with emails, and if we don't publish anything you won't receive anything. Also included are links from our del.icio.us page which we use to bookmark interesting news items, blog stories and videos from elsewhere on the web, so you can see what we've been reading in the office.

Follow this link to subscribe to (almost) daily updates from this blog (it takes about two seconds), but we also have email updates for other sections on the site such as press releases, report or videos. Or you can pick the campaign topics you're interested in and updates on those - here's the full list.

Counting the cost of GM contamination

Posted by jamie — 9 November 2007 at 3:13pm - Comments

Indian farmers campaigning against GM rice

Indian farmers campaigning against GM rice near Lucknow earlier this week © Greenpeace

A couple of GM stories have popped up recently over on our international site, one of which requires your help.

Rock with Live Earth, take action on climate change

Posted by jamie — 6 July 2007 at 6:38pm - Comments
Save the planet

With 2 billion pairs of eyes expected to be firmly clamped on the Live Earth concerts tomorrow, the word about climate change will be spread far and wide. Although, as George Marshall argues, perhaps enough people already know and they're just waiting to be forced into doing something about it through new laws introduced by their government.

We don't have to wait, though - in fact, we can't wait. Even the most optimistic predictions about the effects of climate change say that we need to take immediate action. So if watching Madonna cavorting around has spurred you on, what can you do here and now? Funny you should ask...

Here's a bright idea - new banners to spruce up your site

Posted by jamie — 4 July 2007 at 4:20pm - Comments
Greenpeace: Change your light bulbs, not the climate

Is your website feeling drab? Is your blog looking a bit boring? We've got just the thing for you - a new set of snazzy banners to add to your site, pointing towards our ongoing campaign to remove old-fashioned and inefficient light bulbs from the shelves of UK retailers.

How to close down 25 power plants in two minutes

Posted by bex — 17 May 2007 at 1:37pm - Comments

Bright idea logo

Ever wanted to make a real difference to the world but never seem to have the time? Well, here’s a chance for you to help cut around 20 million tonnes of Europe’s carbon emissions, in about two minutes.

Tell your MP nukes are not the answer

Posted by bex — 14 February 2007 at 9:44am - Comments

Part of the Trident: we don't buy it tour blog

Trident missile

It’s setting sail day on board the Arctic Sunrise; in a few hours, we’ll be leaving Edinburgh to make our way around the Scottish coast to Greenock, outside Glasgow.

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