
Toxic tea party

Posted by jossc — 30 July 2007 at 4:45pm - Comments

Toxic team made from poisoned local ground water, Guiya, SE China

One of the most serious consequences of the dramatic floods which swamped parts of England in recent weeks was the loss of clean drinking water. Even now that the citizens of Tewkesbury have running water once again, it will be a few more days before they can safely start drinking their tap water.

Greenpeace videos on Youtube

Posted by jossc — 24 July 2007 at 11:02am - Comments

Greenpeace UK YouTube screenshot

For me one of the coolest things about our new-look site is that we're carrying a lot more streaming video courtesy of the good folks at YouTube. But did you know that we now have our own YouTube Greenpeace UK Video Channel?

Ten years in China

Posted by jamie — 2 July 2007 at 4:37pm - Comments

With Blair's recent departure, recollections of 1997 in the media have been dominated by two things: his ascension to power and the Spice Girls. On the other side of the world in China, that same year was important for a couple of other reasons. Most famously, the lease ran out on a small but strategic piece of land called Hong Kong and the British Empire lost one of its last outposts as ownership return to the People's Republic of China.

But on that same piece of land, about the same time Chris Patten was bidding a teary farewell, something else significant happened (at least, we like to think it was) - Greenpeace China opened its doors. The importance of this particular office to the organisation can't be underestimated and, as this video shows, many of our campaigns can't help but take China's astonishing economic and social development into account. And with China now possibly the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, the next ten years are going to be even busier over there.

Ten years in China

Posted by jamie — 2 July 2007 at 4:37pm - Comments

With Blair's recent departure, recollections of 1997 in the media have been dominated by two things: his ascension to power and the Spice Girls. On the other side of the world in China, that same year was important for a couple of other reasons. Most famously, the lease ran out on a small but strategic piece of land called Hong Kong and the British Empire lost one of its last outposts as ownership return to the People's Republic of China.

But on that same piece of land, about the same time Chris Patten was bidding a teary farewell, something else significant happened (at least, we like to think it was) - Greenpeace China opened its doors. The importance of this particular office to the organisation can't be underestimated and, as this video shows, many of our campaigns can't help but take China's astonishing economic and social development into account. And with China now possibly the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, the next ten years are going to be even busier over there.

Let's hear it for consumer pressure

Posted by jossc — 27 June 2007 at 12:39pm - Comments

Our campaign against toxic e-waste in computers and electronic equipment is starting to show results, with many of the biggest names in the business tripping over themselves in the rush not to be left on the bottom rung of our Green Electronics Guide.

Let's hear it for consumer pressure

Posted by jossc — 27 June 2007 at 12:39pm - Comments

Our campaign against toxic e-waste in computers and electronic equipment is starting to show results, with many of the biggest names in the business tripping over themselves in the rush not to be left on the bottom rung of our Green Electronics Guide.

Macs now come in green

Posted by jamie — 3 May 2007 at 11:18am - Comments

Tasty news from Apple

Macs now come in green

Posted by jamie — 3 May 2007 at 11:18am - Comments

Tasty news from Apple

Steve Jobs makes the MacWorld speech we've been waiting for

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2007 at 5:44pm - Comments


So Steve Jobs, Apple guru and all-round groovy guy, has made his keynote speech at MacWorld. But there was something missing - no word on what Apple should be doing to sort out the toxics in its iPods, not to mention their shoddy recycling policy. So we've done a little bit of re-editing so we can all hear what Steve should have said.

Steve Jobs makes the MacWorld speech we've been waiting for

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2007 at 5:44pm - Comments


So Steve Jobs, Apple guru and all-round groovy guy, has made his keynote speech at MacWorld. But there was something missing - no word on what Apple should be doing to sort out the toxics in its iPods, not to mention their shoddy recycling policy. So we've done a little bit of re-editing so we can all hear what Steve should have said.

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