
We need 30 Twitter millionaires to #FreeTheArctic30

Posted by jamess — 2 October 2013 at 11:40am - Comments

Our friends are being charged with hooliganism for standing up to Gazprom. It’s an incredibly serious charge and carries a maximum sentence of 7 years in a Russian jail. Please tweet these people with millions of followers to help #FreeTheArctic30.

A slightly leaft-of-centre twitter Friday

Posted by Fran G — 26 October 2012 at 5:31pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace

Fridays are always interesting in most offices. In the web team here at Greenpeace UK, we use it as a day to experiment with social media in delivering our campaign messages. At times, this can have slightly bizarre consequences....

Danger! We're opening our Twitter account to lots of people

Posted by jamess — 15 May 2012 at 4:10pm - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Willie our oceans campaigner is keen to tweet pictures of his hippie Lego...

We're trying an experiment.

Over the next six weeks we're going to be giving people across the Greenpeace UK office the ability to tweet directly on our main account. Yes, the Greenpeace UK webteam is giving up control so you get unfiltered, unchecked content from all four, idiosyncratic corners of this wonderful organisation. Which means any number of people can now instantly push out their thoughts to our 36,000+ Twitter followers. What could possibly go wrong?

UK plans to scupper drilling moratorium exposed on Twitter

Posted by jamess — 24 September 2010 at 10:53am - Comments

Ok Twitter friends, it’s time to take action.

While Timo and Naz are out there hanging off Chevron's rig in the pod, stopping deepwater drilling, our politicians are out in Norway wrecking regional plans for a moratorium.

Yesterday we put out a message on Twitter, as soon as we heard from our German colleagues what was happening at the OSPAR conference:


Next thing that happens is Richard Benyon, the Under-Secretary for the Environment tweeted this:

Twitter message 1

They accosted you Mr Benyon because you're scuppering an important initiative to stop deepwater drilling!

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