
Our vision

Last edited 27 May 2011 at 11:10am

The underlying goal of all our work is a green and peaceful world - an earth that is ecologically healthy and able to nurture life in all its diversity.

Until now, modern governments and businesses have treated the Earth as a commodity to be exploited and used up to serve human needs and desires. Our whole economic system is built on the belief that a thing is only of value if it creates money.

By these standards a forest is worthless unless it is cut down and sold. When economists balance the books, they don't take into account the value of the work that forests do to provide rainfall, regulate the climate and provide habitat for most of the world's plants and animals, not to mention food and shelter for millions of local people.

About Greenpeace

Last edited 6 September 2012 at 5:06pm

We are passionate about protecting the Earth – the only life support system we have. We are independent. That means we can tackle power, not problems. We do this by investigating, documenting and exposing the causes of environmental destruction. We work to bring about change through political lobbying, citizen action and consumer pressure. And we will take peaceful direct action to protect this fragile planet and promote the solutions for a green and peaceful future.

Greenpeace was founded by a small group of activists in 1971. Today, we have a presence in more than 40 countries. While the size of the organisation may have changed, our commitment to defending the planet and promoting peace, to achieving positive change through action, and to realising our vision of a green and peaceful world is as strong as ever.

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