Web Awards

Awards - on the web and in Parliament

Posted by bex — 7 November 2008 at 10:44am - Comments

Our very own Benet Northcote (right) joins the 'Coal vs Rebewables' debate at the 2008 Lib Dems Party Conference

Greenpeace at the Climate Clinic for a debate on coal vs renewables.

We've just found out we're up for another web award: The People's Choice Website of the Year Award. If you like what we do here in cyberspace, please tootle over and vote!

Strangely, we've won two other awards in the past few weeks. EfficienCity, our virtual town showcasing decentralised energy, has won the W3 Best in Show for animation. (The W3 or World Wide Web Consortium are the folks who decide the standards for the web. The criteria they judge include creativity, usability, navigation, functionality, visual design, and ease of use, so all credit to our friends at BiroCreative who built EfficienCity.)

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