
Awards - on the web and in Parliament

Posted by bex — 7 November 2008 at 10:44am - Comments

Our very own Benet Northcote (right) joins the 'Coal vs Rebewables' debate at the 2008 Lib Dems Party Conference

Greenpeace at the Climate Clinic for a debate on coal vs renewables.

We've just found out we're up for another web award: The People's Choice Website of the Year Award. If you like what we do here in cyberspace, please tootle over and vote!

Strangely, we've won two other awards in the past few weeks. EfficienCity, our virtual town showcasing decentralised energy, has won the W3 Best in Show for animation. (The W3 or World Wide Web Consortium are the folks who decide the standards for the web. The criteria they judge include creativity, usability, navigation, functionality, visual design, and ease of use, so all credit to our friends at BiroCreative who built EfficienCity.)

Best Green Blogs - the People's Choice award

Posted by bex — 17 September 2008 at 10:27am - Comments
Top Green Blogger logo

How embarrassing. Between the trial, a couple of bouts of flu in the web team and a period of general mayhem here at Greenpeace HQ, this one slipped through our fingers.

So, belatedly, we're extremely chuffed to be able to tell you that we've been voted the People's Choice for the Daily (Maybe)'s Best Green Blog 2008. Thank you to everyone who voted for us.

Jim Jay kindly says:

For me this is a really deserving choice and shows what group blogging for an organisation can be all about. It seems to be an extremely difficult trick to pull off sometimes, fusing together the conversational strengths of blogging with the needs and focus of an organisation. I've thought for some time that Greenpeace UK pull it off very nicely.

*Collective blush.*

He also says:

I'd also like to mention and congratulate Ecostreet and Transition Culture who came second and third respectively in the poll - excellent blogs the both of them.

Here's to that. And to all the other contenders - not to mention, of course, the excellent Daily (Maybe) itself.

We're Webby Award honorees!

Posted by bex — 8 April 2008 at 6:04pm - Comments

Woo! We've just heard that our film The Convenient Solution has been chosen as an Official Honoree in Public Service and Activism category of The 12th Annual Webby Awards (aka "the Oscars of the internet").

Apparently, being an Official Honoree means we "scored in the top 15% of all work entered into the Webby Awards. With nearly 10,000 entries received from all 50 states and over 60 countries, this is an outstanding accomplishment for you and your team."

Fire and ice: images from the Amazon and the antarctic

Posted by jamie — 3 March 2008 at 1:44pm - Comments

One of the pleasures of working at Greenpeace is having access to a truly incredible photo library and there's been more than one occasion when, looking for images to accompany a blog story, I've become lost in the wealth of powerful and affecting images.

The photographers who supply us with these photos are rewarded for their work with the occasional trophy and Daniel Beltra, who has accompanied Greenpeace campaigners on expeditions all over the world, was last week presented with the Global Vision Award for photos he took in the Amazon as part of Pictures of the Year International. He also received an Award of Excellence in the Science/Nature category for a collection from the Antarctic, taken during last year's Southern Ocean expedition on the Esperanza.

Greenpeace UK scoops web award

Posted by jamie — 15 January 2008 at 5:51pm - Comments

Greenpeace UK won Best Environmental Website in the BT Online Excellence Awards

Remember the BT Online Excellence Award we were up for at the end of last year? Well, amidst all the work on energy solutions, forest protection and marine reserves there's time for a quick celebration as news just came though that we won Best Environmental Website! But wait, there's more because we were in the overall top ten across all categories, alongside, Amazon and Google.

Vote, vote, vote for our website

Posted by jamie — 3 December 2007 at 6:35pm - Comments
BT Online Excellence Awards

It may not be a Nobel Prize (or even a Webby), but we're extremely chuffed to have been nominated for the Best Environmental Website in the BT Online Excellence Awards. Nominations from the public for their favourite sites were whittled down to a shortlist by a panel of expert judges, and that shortlist is open to the public once more for final voting.

So thank you to whoever nominated us in the first place, but now we're shamelessly asking for your votes to help us win. We have some distinguished competition so we'll need all the votes we can get. If you need further enticement, BT are offering a champagne-laden balloon flight for one lucky voter.

If you like what you see here, don't hold back - vote now.

The award-winning light bulb that certainly isn't dim

Posted by jamie — 3 October 2007 at 2:50pm - Comments

Louise Molloy, Tony Doyle and Jason Bruges holding the award

Greenpeace campaigner Louise Molloy, light bulb inventor Tony Doyle and designer Jason Bruges, proud owners of an award for innovation (Photo: Philip Vile)

One more (slightly belated) piece of news from the 100% Design exhibition comes in the form of an award. The light bulb used in Jason Bruges' installation has been given the inaugural award for innovative lighting design by the event's organisers, recognising the fact that it is the world's first fully dimmable energy efficient bulb.

Amazon soya campaign wins BBC food gong

Posted by jamie — 30 November 2006 at 6:39pm - Comments
Stop trashing the Amazon for fast food

I mentioned a few weeks ago that we had been nominated by the good listeners of BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme as part of their annual Food and Farming Awards for our Amazon soya campaign, of which the giant chickens running around McDonald's

Greenpeace nominated for BBC food award

Posted by jamie — 7 November 2006 at 7:11pm - Comments

Trashing the Amazon for fast food The global campaign to highlight how food companies were complicit in destroying the Amazon rainforest through their use of Amazon-grown soya made headlines around the world and clearly touched the hearts of Radio 4 listeners because we've been nominated for a gong in their Food and Farming Awards.

Most of the categories are turned over to shops and producers who go that extra mile in provide quality grub but we come under the Derek Cooper Special Award for, and I quote, "their work raising awareness of the ethical and environmental dimensions of food production, in particular their soya campaign". It was a public vote that got us into the nominations but it's the steely minds of the judging panel that will make the final decision, and with distinguished competition in the form of the Caroline Walker Trust and the Rt Hon Michael Meacher MP, it'll be tough. Tune in Sunday 26 November to see if we win.


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