GM jury

The politics of GM in the UK

Last edited 12 November 2003 at 9:00am

The results of the GM Public Debate (dubbed 'GM Nation?') sums up the UK public's essential rejection of GM. The government launched the 'GM Nation?' exercise amid allegations that Downing Street was ignoring huge public disquiet over the proposed genetic modification of food and crops. Over 37,000 people took part, with 86 per cent of people firmly opposing the growing GM crops in the UK.

We also did some polling and submitted our results to the GM Public Debate committee. Again there was an overwhelming rejection of GM.

GM jury calls for 'moratorium' on crops

Last edited 8 September 2003 at 8:00am

Two 'citizen's juries' today handed down their verdict on GM crops - and both agreed the 'moratorium' on commercialisation in the UK should be continued.

Two independent juries were held simultaneously, in Newcastle upon Tyne and St Albans. The members of the public who volunteered to take part in the GM Jury project heard evidence from a wide selection of expert witnesses over a six week period.

Public disquiet surrounding GM food is revealed in the GM Jury's report, published on September 8th.

Jury ponders GM crops

Last edited 29 August 2003 at 8:00am
Hertfordshire jurors in discussion

Hertfordshire jurors in discussion

A diverse group of people agreed to take part in an independent 'citizens' jury' on GM.

The GM Jury project was designed to help shape the Government's decision over the commercialisation of GM crops in the UK. The Government's GM Public Debate has been widely criticised for its lack of public involvement.