
Everything you've ever wanted to know about light bulbs...

Posted by jamie — 7 August 2007 at 10:40am - Comments

A compact fluorescent lamp

A bulb a day keeps climate change at bay (or something along those lines...)

We've had a lot of support for our current light bulbs campaign (and some detractors too, it has to be said) but there have been many queries about whether compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) really are what they're cracked up to be - what about the mercury, can they be recycled, that sort of thing. Many of them have already been covered elsewhere on the site, but it's worth following them up in a slightly more prominent position.

If you have any more queries, just post a comment below or contact us at info@uk.greenpeace.org.

Light bulb retailers league table

Last edited 14 July 2007 at 9:43am

Ban the Bulb campaign archive: content last updated 14 July 2007

Which retailers are seizing the light to take a lead on energy efficiency, and which are lagging way behind? Our league table of light bulb retailers makes it easy to distinguish the bright sparks from the dullards.

Retailers have been rated on when they will completely phase out inefficient incandescent bulbs - as their policies improve, they move up the table.

The state of the world's ancient forests

Last edited 13 February 2001 at 9:00am

Ancient forest

Ancient forest

Ancient forests are the living expression of billions of years of evolution. Home to millions of types of plants and animals, these forests sustain as much as 90% of the world's land-based species - everything from owls to orchids and bears to beetles.

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