
Alongside the forest, up against the wall

Posted by jamie — 7 November 2008 at 4:47pm - Comments

holding out the banner in the Kampar peninsula © Greenpeace/Novis

Backs against the wall: holding out the banner in the Kampar peninsula © Greenpeace/Novis

I’ve scrubbed and showered but there are still traces of mud sticking to me. It’s my own fault - I guess I shouldn’t have gone tramping around the peatlands here in Riau. But the picture above, that’s us: some of the Esperanza’s crew and several Indonesian volunteers pulling our banner tight against the forest wall, the straight line that separates the thriving ecosystem from the barren areas which have been cleared of trees. In case you’re wondering, I’m at the top of the P in ‘STOP’.

Slash and burn in the forests of Sumatra

Posted by jamie — 5 November 2008 at 4:09pm - Comments


It's been a little while since I've updated here about the Esperanza's Forests for Climate tour of Indonesia, but continue it most certainly does. For our exploits crossing from one end of the country to the other and our stop in Jakarta, catch up on the Forests for Climate blog.

But we've arrived in Sungai Pakning, a small port on the coast of Riau in Sumatra, and the Esperanza is anchored in a wide, silty channel running between the mainland and two islands, Pulau Bengkalis and Pulau Padang. The soupy water flowing gently past the ship will be down to the Siak river, the mouth of which is just a few miles south.

Manokwari, here we come

Posted by jamie — 17 October 2008 at 4:14pm - Comments

Manokwari dancers on the bridge of the Esperanza

A dance troupe from Manokwari take a tour of the Esperanza's bridge © Greenpeace/Rante

After nine days at sea, the Esperanza pulled into Manokwari harbour this morning - that's Manokwari in the Indonesian province of West Papua, not any other Manokwari you might be thinking of. Crowds of people were already on the dock and despite the overcast skies, we received one of the colourful and exotic welcomes I'm becoming accustomed to on this trip, with traditional dancing and singing to greet us when we disembarked.

Jayapura, east of Java: the final forest frontier

Posted by jamie — 9 October 2008 at 2:37pm - Comments


Jayapura (image by sandranahdar, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)

As I write this, I'm sat in a hotel lobby looking out on to a market place where women are sat on the hard tarmac, blankets with tomatoes, lemongrass, onions and chillies spread out before them. Towering behind them is the incongruous bulk of the local KFC and, although there was torrential rain an hour ago, the streets are bone dry. That's because it's very very hot which is not surprising when you're a few degrees south of the equator.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Meeting with the makers of palm oil

Posted by jamie — 5 September 2008 at 3:56pm - Comments

Oil palm saplings

Oil palm saplings waiting to be planted © Behring/Greenpeace

Last week, campaigners from Greenpeace South-East Asia met with palm oil producers and traders to discuss the challenges faced by the industry if it's going to get a grip on the problem of deforestation. The seminar was designed to get these companies thinking about the impact their trade is having on forests in the region, and working groups brought together industry reps and campaigners to discuss the issues involved, particularly our demand for a moratorium on clearing forest areas for palm oil plantations.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

New deal agreed to help protect one of the largest 'carbon stores' on Earth

Last edited 15 August 2008 at 10:50am
15 August, 2008

One of the largest single stores of carbon on the planet is a step closer to lasting protection, according to the environmental group Greenpeace. The Indonesian province of Riau has pledged to halt the destruction of its carbon rich peatlands and forests in a move which could prevent billions of tonnes of carbon from entering the atmosphere.

Success! Ferrero supports the palm oil moratorium

Posted by bex — 10 July 2008 at 2:30pm - Comments

Primary rainforest in Central Kalimantan in Indonesia
Primary rainforest, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. © Davison/Greenpeace

Regular visitors to our website might have noticed that a few days ago, we launched a cyber action against the Italian company Ferrero, a major user of palm oil and maker of Nutella and Ferrero Rocher.

Well, we’re delighted to report that, before we even had the chance to email our supporters about it, we’ve had another success in the protection of Indonesia’s rainforests and peatlands - and of the threatened species that live there and, of course, the climate.

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