
Greenpeace calls on UK Government to seize rainforest shipment and stop illegal timber trade

Last edited 18 March 2004 at 9:00am
18 March, 2004

Rainforest cargo escorted into UK under huge police protection

Greenpeace is demanding that the UK Government seizes a huge cargo of illegal timber from Indonesia's rainforests, where logging is threatening the survival of orang-utans and tigers.

Forest Crime: Korindo and the trade in illegal plywood from the last rainforests of Indonesia

Last edited 16 March 2004 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: March 2004

Illegal logging continues to play a huge part in the destruction of the world's ancient forests. Its impacts are devastating: contributing to loss of biodiversity; linked to human rights abuses and organised crime; impacting on the sustainable development of forest producing countries; and undermining the trade in timber from legal and sustainable sources. The World Bank estimates that some US $10-15 billion per annum is lost to Governments each year because of the illegal trade in timber.

Download the report:

Media Briefing: UK timber traders and illegal logging

Last edited 21 July 2003 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: July 2003

How UK timber traders such as Finnforest, Montague L Meyer continue to fuel the destruction of Indonesia's last rainforests

Download the report:

Travis Perkins' stores targeted by Greenpeace over trade in illegal Indonesian timber

Last edited 14 June 2003 at 8:00am
14 June, 2003
Barito Pacific plywood and doors from Indonesia can still be found in Travis Perkins' UK stores

Barito Pacific plywood and doors from Indonesia can still be found in Travis Perkins' UK stores

Greenpeace today welcomed an announcement by timber merchants Jewson that they will cease importing Indonesian rainforest plywood by the end of this year (1).

Government agrees to enquiry into use of illegal Indonesian rainforest timber on Home Office site

Last edited 6 June 2003 at 8:00am
6 June, 2003

18.30pm Thursday 5th June, 2003. The Government today backed down and agreed to launch an enquiry into the use of Indonesian rainforest timber on the Home Office HQ site , 2 Marsham St, Westminster. In response eleven Greenpeace climbers who have occupied four 40 metre high cranes on the site for the past 2 days agreed to end their occupation and abseiled down from the cranes. The climbers (9 men and 2 women) were escorted off the site.

Partners in Crime

Last edited 4 June 2003 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

A Greenpeace investigation of the links between the UK and Indonesia's timber barons

Publication date: June 2003


Download the report:

Poll reveals public want ban on illegally logged ancient forest timber coming into the UK

Last edited 19 February 2002 at 9:00am
19 February, 2002

Greenpeace today delivered a MORI poll to Environment Minister Michael Meacher showing that 87% of the British public want the government to ban illegal imports of wood from the world's ancient forests. Furthermore 80% want the British Government to pledge funding to a proposed international fund to protect the world's remaining ancient forests.

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