
An investigation into criminal imports of timber into the UK

Last edited 26 October 2001 at 8:00am

An investigation into criminal imports of timber into the UK

Stop criminal timber imports - Greenpeace brand illegally logged timber as it arrives at Tilbury Docks

Behind closed doors: A major Greenpeace investigation into criminal imports of timber from the Amazon Rainforest to the UK High Street

An investigation into illegal logging in the Amazon

Last edited 26 October 2001 at 8:00am

An investigation into illegal logging in the Amazon

Illegal logging in the Amazon

A Greenpeace investigaion into illegal and destructive logging in the Amazon Rainforest- April 2000

Amazon investigation 2001

Last edited 26 October 2001 at 8:00am

Amazon investigation 2001

The Greenpeace Forest Crimes Unit witness the destruction of ancient forests

April 2001- Information supplied by Greenpeace to the Brazilian Environmental Agency (IBAMA) led officials to fine two loggers 200,000 US Dollars.

A Greenpeace investigation into illegal and destructive logging

Last edited 26 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 April, 2001

All three international companies targeted by Greenpeace's Amazon campaign in Brazil - Malaysian based WTK/Amaplac, Eidai from Japan and French based Lapeyre - have shifted ground as a result of campaign work carried out over the last six months.

Download the report:

Investigation into criminal imports of timber into the UK

Last edited 26 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Behind closed doors: A major Greenpeace investigation

Download the report:

Greenpeace calls on UK government to seize mahogany as Brazilian government bans trade

Last edited 25 October 2001 at 8:00am
25 October, 2001

Greenpeace investigation reveals trail of illegal destruction from the Amazon Indian lands to Harrods

Greenpeace today called on the UK Government to seize imports of Brazilian mahogany coming into UK ports and for retailers, including Harrods and the John Lewis Partnership, to immediately remove mahogany products from their stores.

Protect the Amazon not the criminals

Last edited 25 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
25 October, 2001

Mahogany report UK summary

On-the-ground investigations by Greenpeace in the Brazilian Amazon have documented damning new evidence of the truth behind the glamorous image of mahogany. Two mahogany kings now largely control the illegal mahogany trade in Pará State the major point of export for mahogany in Brazil. Moisés Carvalho Pereira and Osmar Alves Ferreira are ruthless and corrupt. More than 70% of the direct exports of mahogany from Pará to the UK came through companies connected to these two kings...

Download the report:

Partners in mahogany crime

Last edited 25 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
25 October, 2001

Amazon at the mercy of 'gentlemen's agreements'

Download the report:

Into the heart of the Amazon - The Greenpeace Deni Indian expedition February - March 2001

Last edited 19 March 2001 at 9:00am

deni bannerGreenpeace is developing projects in close partnership with local communities and organisations by supporting the self-demarcation of the Deni indigenous peoples lands. Greenpeace is providing a step towards the protection of a remote forest area under threat from multinational logging companies.

UK companies named as buying timber products and investing in rainforest destruction

Last edited 4 October 1999 at 8:00am
4 October, 1999

An international report published today (4/10/99) names the major 150 companies involved in the logging of ancient forests around the world. The report - 'Buying Destruction' - compiled by Greenpeace, profiles major logging and wood trading companies active in the ancient forests of Brazil, Guyana, Chile and Suriname, Cameroon and Gabon, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Canada and Russia.