
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

From our own correspondent

Posted by admin — 9 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace volunteer Reza Hossain helps to demarcate traditional land boundaries

Deep in the forests of Papua New Guinea, part of the Paradise Forests that stretch across South East Asia, Greenpeace has established a Global Forest Rescue Station. It's purpose: to help the clans and tribes of the region to mark out their lands which are theirs by law but are at risk from the unscrupulous activities of logging companies.

From our own correspondent

Posted by admin — 9 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace volunteer Reza Hossain

Deep in the forests of Papua New Guinea, part of the Paradise Forests that stretch across South East Asia, Greenpeace has established a Global Forest Rescue Station. It's purpose: to help the clans and tribes of the region to mark out their lands which are theirs by law but are at risk from the unscrupulous activities of logging companies.

Forest rescue station launched

Posted by admin — 28 February 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

Local foresters help Greenpeace volunteers mark out land boundaries near Lake Murray

In the remote forests of Papau New Guinea, illegal and destructive logging continues to threaten both the local communities and the fragile ecosystem. But today Greenpeace launched a major initiative to help indigenous tribes establish their rights to the land they have occupied for generations.

Greenpeace in the Amazon: helping the Deni Indians to protect their land from loggers

Posted by admin — 24 January 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Deni Indians demarcarting their territory

In July 2003, a Greenpeace team helped the indigenous Deni Indian communities in the Amazon to demarcate their homeland. The land was under threat from a Malaysian logging company.

Deni Indians celebrate the demarcation of their land

Last edited 25 July 2003 at 8:00am
Deni Celebration of Demarcation

Deni Celebration of Demarcation

Deni Indians win legal right to their Amazon land

Last edited 22 October 2001 at 8:00am
22 October, 2001

Greenpeace commends the Deni for protecting their land from illegal logging

Manaus, Brazil, 18 October 2001: After a two year struggle supported by Greenpeace, Missionary Indigenist Council (CIMI), and Operacao Amazonia Nativa (OPAN), the Deni Indians of the Brazilian Amazon won formal recognition of their rights to their traditional land.

UK volunteers help Amazon Indians cut boundary in forest to keep illegal loggers out of their land

Last edited 11 September 2001 at 8:00am
11 September, 2001

Greenpeace calls for demarcation of all Indian lands in the Brazilian Amazon

The Deni Indian community with help from UK volunteers today began to physically cut a border in the Amazon rainforest to demarcate their lands in a bid to protect their traditional territory from industrial exploitation. Without this demarcation the Deni lands would be vulnerable to land grabs by logging companies after the wealth of natural resources which belong to the Deni. This is only the second time that an Indian group has, without government assistance, demarcated their lands in the Amazon.