illegal timber

UPDATE: Amazon timber from illegal loggers is heading to Rotterdam

Posted by Richardg — 5 November 2014 at 7:29pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace Ltd
A shipment of illegal timber is on its way to Europe

A shipment of illegal timber from the Amazon rainforest is on its way to Europe. We've discovered that the timber is bound for the port of Rotterdam - and it arrives tomorrow.

Illegal timber from the Amazon is on it's way to Europe. Let's stop it!

Posted by Richardg — 3 November 2014 at 10:42am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

We've caught sawmills in the Amazon rainforest trading illegal timber. Now a shipment of illegal timber from one of those sawmills is on its way to Europe. If we act quickly, we can force the authorities to take action.

The Amazon's Silent Crisis

Last edited 12 November 2014 at 12:22pm
Publication date: 
15 May, 2014

The timber industry in the Brazilian Amazon is currently a key driver of forest degradation and a catalyst for deforestation.

Logging, particularly for valuable timber species including Ipê, is the first phase in the deforestation cycle, drives colonisation of once remote intact forest areas, and is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Download the report:

In pictures: the silent crisis in the Amazon

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 15 May 2014 at 4:31pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace / Daniel Beltra
Rainforest close to the city of Altamira. A Greenpeace team is in the area to witness the "Cachoeira Seca" (Dry Waterfall) Indigenous land, where illegal logging and land grabbing has been occurring.

Today Greenpeace published a 2-year investigation that shows how the logging industry threatens the Amazon rainforest. These photos show the illegal logging that's ransacking the forest and show what's at stake if the logging continues.

Brazil's logging sector is full of crooks - and the Amazon is paying the price

Posted by Richardg — 7 May 2014 at 3:05pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Rodrigo Baleira

The Brazilian government has made several attempts to take control of logging in the Amazon. But despite high-profile crackdowns, the trade in illegal timber is vast and growing.

Victory! After 10 years of campaigning, EU votes to ban illegal timber

Posted by jamie — 7 July 2010 at 5:18pm - Comments

Exposing illegal timber used in the construction of the new Home Office building in 2003 © Greenpeace/Cobbing

It's been a long time coming but finally - finally! - the European parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a law banning illegal timber from entering the European Union. Like many other organisations, Greenpeace has been campaigning on this for years - 10 long ones, in our case - so to see this become a reality is an amazing tribute to the thousands of people who emailed, donated or took direct action.

Europe bans illegal timber - Greenpeace response

Last edited 7 July 2010 at 2:49pm
7 July, 2010

The European Parliament today voted to ban the import of illegal timber.

Sarah Shoraka, forests campaigner for Greenpeace, said: "This great new law will help to save the forests in places such as the Amazon, Congo and Indonesia, and all the wildlife that live there, like tigers, orangutans and bonobos.

Opening up the Greenpeace photo library

Posted by jamie — 1 October 2008 at 12:19pm - Comments

I've mentioned before about how I love wandering through the Greenpeace photo library (it's on a big server, so any wandering is purely figurative) - there's always just one more enticing folder to explore. And it's hardly surprising, when our campaign work takes photographers to some stunning locations and places them at the heart of the action. Some have even won major international awards for their work, both with Greenpeace and independently.

Have you felt the forest love?

Posted by jamie — 25 September 2008 at 1:38pm - Comments

If you submitted your own Forest Love video in response to ours, you might catch a glimpse of yourself in the new video we've put together below which we're going to deliver to European Commission president José Manuel Barroso in Brussels. The commission are due to vote on legislation to ban illegal timber in Europe and hopefully that will take place in mid-October, but the date has changed several times over the past few weeks so who knows?

Rainforest timber shipment blocked in Papua New Guinea

Posted by jamie — 3 September 2008 at 5:49pm - Comments

A banner hangs from the Harbour Gemini which is carrying illegal timber from Papua New Guinea

A Greenpeace team occupies the Harbour Gemini, carrying illegal timber from Papua New Guinea and bound for China
© Sutton-Hibbert/Greenpeace

As we wait for the European Commission to consider legislation to prevent illegal timber from entering Europe, a Greenpeace team in Papua New Guinea have stepped in to prevent a ship from loading up with wood of dubious provenance.

The ship, Harbour Gemini, was loading timber at Paia Inlet in Gulf Province, when four activists from our ship the Esperanza climbed a loading crane to hang a huge banner reading 'Protect Forests, Save Our Climate'. Looking on were groups of local people in boats, while others held their own peaceful protests at the port and nearby logging camps.

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