
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Activists urge Italy to quit coal

Posted by jossc — 20 October 2008 at 10:21am - Comments

Activists fron Arctic Sunrise take the "Quit Coal" message to Sardinia

As the Rainbow Warrior arrives here to embark on the UK leg of of her worldwide "Quit Coal" tour, activists from another of our ships, Arctic Sunrise, have been busy putting coal in the hot seat in Italy.

"Small variations in global temperatures have vast consequences. The last Ice Age was only six degrees colder than today. A global rise of just 0.8 degrees has melted the Arctic."
Johann Hari: Don't kill the planet in the name of saving the economy »

Five of them scaled a 150 metre crane at a new coal-fired power plant in Civitavecchia, near Rome, to drop a banner highlighting the fact that Italian government policy effectively opposes the Kyoto Protocol. Meanwhile another five activists painted "No Carbon" and "Quit Coal" in giant letters on the power plant's dock from an inflatable boat.

Illegal timber imports into Europe: what we are doing to stop this trade

Posted by admin — 23 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Protesters dressed as gorillas blockade a shipload of illegal rainforest timber entering the port of Livorno, Italy

As a major market for tropical hardwood, the European Union plays a key role in the international trade in illegal and destructively sourced timber. Yet, currently no laws in Europe allow authorities to seize shipments of illegally logged timber, nor hold importers and traders of illegal timber accountable. These traders remain free to profit from forest destruction.

Greenpeace boards ship importing rainforest destruction to Italy

Last edited 13 October 2005 at 5:51pm
13 October, 2005

Today (Rome - 11th October 2005) 30 Greenpeace activists boarded a ship carrying rainforest timber at the Italian port of Livorno. Eight activists, dressed as gorillas, climbed two of the ship's cranes to prevent its cargo from being unloaded.

The 'Guan He Kou' is carrying sawn timber from the Congo Basin, where widespread illegal logging is destroying the forest and driving gorillas and chimpanzees towards extinction. The rainforest is also home to millions of indigenous people who depend on the forest for their survival.

Greenpeace joins wine producers in urging halt to GM vine trials-

Last edited 26 March 2001 at 9:00am
26 March, 2001
GM grainResearch released today by Greenpeace International reveals that trials of genetically modified vines are currently underway in key wine growing countries across the world, including the USA (California), France, Australia, Italy and Germany (1).

Greenpeace is urging governments to halt these trials amid concerns that they could destroy traditional and organic grape varieties. The call came as they released results of a survey showing that UK wine retailers unanimously reject GM wine.

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