moshi moshi

Limited edition sushi*

Posted by Willie — 14 July 2009 at 1:02pm - Comments

*Bluefin sushi will only be available for a limited period because bluefin will soon be extinct. © Ultimate Holding Company / Greenpeace

Bluefin tuna is an endangered species, and it's the oceanic equivalent of a tiger, rhino, or panda - yet it is still being served up as expensive sushi in restaurants. In London alone, there are dozens of venues serving up bluefin, although the celebrity hang-out Nobu is probably the most high-profile culprit.

Our politicians have failed on bluefin tuna, they ignore the scientific warnings, and continue to set quotas that are then ignored by the fishermen.

If we want to stop bluefin from becoming extinct in just a few years then we need to take action now.

Ocean-friendly cuisine: sustainable recipes from Britain's finest chefs

Posted by jossc — 22 October 2008 at 1:23pm - Comments
A picture of moules frites
All rights reserved. Credit: Archangel12
Moules marinière à la Michelin-starred Raymond Blanc

Let's face it, even if you're Raymond Blanc, buying the right fish these days is not so simple.

And right now many of our traditional favourites, from cod to tuna, are disappearing rapidly from the seas due to overfishing and the effects of climate change. Bottom-trawling boats are sailing farther and fishing deeper than ever before, hauling in hordes of fish with heavy, weighted nets that tear up the ocean bottom.

Caroline Bennett: Moshi Moshi

Last edited 20 August 2008 at 2:22pm

Caroline Bennet of Moshi Moshi

What do you do as the owner of a sushi bar when you realise that worldwide fish stocks are in crisis? I was presented with this problem when one day in 1998 I walked into my restaurant, Moshi Moshi to find that there was no bluefin tuna on the belt because it had become so scarce it was on the road to extinction.

After much soul searching, and many discussions with Greenpeace and WWF, I embarked on a strategy that would make Moshi Moshi's fish procurement as sustainable as possible. The first thing I did was to take blue fin tuna off the menu. The second thing I did was to go down to Cornwall to speak to the local fishermen.

What I came away with was a deal: Moshi Moshi would buy the fish directly from the boats, offering a higher price than the middlemen, if the fishermen guaranteed to use the most sustainable fishing practices.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall: River Cottage

Last edited 19 August 2008 at 3:03pm

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall of River Cottage

Fish is a legitimate part of our diet – indeed, many argue that it was the nutritional value of fish that kick-started the evolution of human intelligence. Now we have to apply that intelligence to managing our fish stocks for future generations. A fish shopper who cares about that will go out of their way to find fish from a sustainable source. That generally means knowing where it comes from, and how it was caught.

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