
Overfishing - emptying our seas

Last edited 11 November 2014 at 2:07pm

Many marine ecologists think that the biggest single threat to marine ecosystems today is overfishing. Our appetite for fish is exceeding the oceans' ecological limits with devastating impacts - and there is now estimated to be four times more global fishing capacity than there are fish left to catch.

Video: Stephen Appelby imagines the fate of the oceans without marine reserves

Cod R.I.P.

Posted by jossc — 18 December 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

'Funeral' at Defra for the last North Sea cod

On Monday we staged a 'funeral' for the 'last cod' at the Defra (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) office in Westminster. This was to coincide with the EU Environment Council meeting where our minister Ben Bradshaw, together with his European counterparts, was again failing to protect our oceans.

The "trawler trash" roadshow

Posted by bex — 4 December 2006 at 12:37pm - Comments

For every plate of beam trawled plaice there are up to 3 plates of wasted sea life

Following their fine showing in London's Trafalgar square last month, our Greenpeace 'fishmongers' hit the road today on their mission to show supermarket shoppers how many of the nation's favourite fish are caught using wasteful and destructive methods - beam-trawling in particular.

Oceans - the problems

Last edited 10 November 2006 at 4:03pm

Over-fishing poses a threat to fish stocks around the world

Over-fishing poses a threat to fish stocks around the world

New league table shows supermarkets leading 'green' revolution

Last edited 5 October 2006 at 8:00am
5 October, 2006

Greenpeace calls for all supermarkets to stop selling beam trawled seafood
One year since Greenpeace challenged the sea food industry to clean up its act by dropping destructively fished species from their shelves, a new report released today shows that major retailers in the UK are leading a revolution that is transforming the entire fishing industry.

Recipe for disaster

Last edited 26 October 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
27 October, 2005

Supermarkets' Insatiable Appetite for Seafood


Download the report:

ASDA nets last place in league table

Last edited 26 October 2005 at 8:00am
26 October, 2005

Supermarket fish policies fuelling destruction at sea

October 27th 2005

Cetacean bycatch and pelagic trawling

Last edited 19 July 2005 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
20 July, 2005

The problem of bycatch


The biggest threat to marine ecosystems globally is destructive and unsustainable fishing practices. An estimated 23% of the global fisheries catch is thrown back into the sea, dead and wasted. As well as over-fishing target fish stocks, fisheries are destroying the biodiversity of the oceans.

Download the report:

Greenpeace takes government to High Court to protect dolphins

Last edited 19 July 2005 at 8:00am
19 July, 2005

Greenpeace is today taking the government to the High Court over its failure to prevent the deaths of thousands of dolphins every year.

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