
Deconstructing destruction

Posted by Willie — 4 May 2007 at 12:00pm - Comments

Follow the crew of the Arctic Sunrise on their campaign for Marine Reserves in our North Sea Tour blog

We often talk about 'destructive' fisheries on the oceans campaign - so I thought it was maybe time I explained what that means when we talk about cod. A purist could say that all fishing is destructive, in that it destroys the fishes' life at least, I guess.

The North Sea cod crisis

Last edited 2 May 2007 at 11:15am
Publication date: 
2 May, 2007
North Sea cod stocks are in crisis; it has been classified as a ‘threatened and declining species’ since 2002. Unless a fishing ban is implemented, cod will become commercially extinct in the very near future. This report explains what needs to be done to tackle the cod crisis, including "a zero catch" allowance and the creation of marine reserves.
Download the report:

Greenpeace ship sails to save North Sea cod

Last edited 30 April 2007 at 12:17pm
30 April, 2007

The Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise will sail today from Norway on a mission to save cod from being pushed towards extinction in the North Sea.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Expo-sed! The unsustainable seafood industry

Posted by jossc — 24 April 2007 at 11:03am - Comments

Brussels Seafood Expo 2007

Brussels Seafood Expo 2007: the world's largest

Yesterday saw the start of the world's largest seafood trading event – the Brussels Seafood Expo 2007. Between the 24 and 26 April seafood companies from all over the planet will attend the Expo, where millions of euros worth of seafood are bought and sold. Much of this seafood comes from stocks that are massively over-exploited and caught using fishing gear that is highly destructive of the marine environment. So 35 Greenpeace campaigners from across Europe have converged on the site to engage with business people from the international seafood trade and ask them - what are you doing to make your industry more sustainable?

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

North Sea Marine Reserves Now!

Posted by jossc — 20 April 2007 at 2:03pm - Comments

Marine Reserves Now!

The North Sea, once one of the most productive in the world, is now amongst the most degraded. Oil extraction, waste dumping and chemical pollution have all taken their toll, and relentless commercial fishing has pushed some fish stocks - such as cod - to the brink of collapse.

Which is why our ship Arctic Sunrise is once again heading out into the North Sea to campaign for the urgent creation of marine reserves - national parks at sea where marine life can get some respite from commercial exploitation.

The EU Marine Strategy Directive

Last edited 20 April 2007 at 1:52pm

The Marine Strategy Directive (MSD) is a piece of European legislation designed to have a more holistic approach to the way Europe's oceans are managed. It sets out a framework for how oceans management can take into account the different issues like industry, recreation, and - crucially - the environment. The Directive offered an important opportunity to enshrine a strong environmental protection within the new legislation, including laying the groundwork for a network of Marine Reserves throughout Europe's seas.

The UK Marine Bill

Last edited 20 April 2007 at 1:47pm

Archive content: get an update on the Marine Bill here

The UK government is proposing a Marine Bill, to bring together all of the legislation covering our seas and the activities that take place there. As with the EU's Marine Strategy Directive, this is an opportunity to make oceans management more holistic, and an opportunity to make sure that protection of the marine environment is taken seriously.

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