peace camp

Greenpeace urges people to join lobby of parliament in opposition to the impending war against Iraq

Last edited 18 March 2003 at 9:00am
18 March, 2003

Greenpeace and other anti-war groups today urged people to join a mass demonstration outside Parliament today when MPs debate whether to go to war against Iraq.

People are being urged to come to parliament and ask to speak to their MP, then to join a No War protest in Parliament Square.

Jam Number 10 on 10th March

Last edited 3 March 2003 at 9:00am
Stop the war march - an estimated 2 million people take part

Stop the war march - an estimated 2 million people take part

Greenpeace volunteers in court over anti-war action

Last edited 13 February 2003 at 9:00am
13 February, 2003

Fourteen Greenpeace volunteers who were arrested following a peaceful protest at Marchwood military base on Tuesday, 4th February, 2003 appeared at Lyndhurst Magistrates Court in the New Forest on February 13th at 9.45am.

All of the volunteers pleaded not guilty to the charges (1), arguing that they have the right to peacefully protest against the planned war against Iraq.

Greenpeace sets up peace camp in British tanks

Last edited 4 February 2003 at 9:00am
4 February, 2003

Greenpeace has peacefully occupied British military vehicles en route to the Gulf as part of an ongoing global campaign against war in Iraq. In the latest action to stop a UK military attack, fourteen Greenpeace volunteers entered Southampton's Marchwood Military Port and occupied tanks and jeeps queued up to leave on the roll-on/roll-off ferry Stena Shipper. Four of the volunteers climbed into tanks and secured the hatches behind them.