peter ainsworth

David Cameron's conference speech - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 3 October 2007 at 4:00pm
3 October, 2007

Commenting on David Cameron's conference speech in Blackpool today, John Sauven, Executive director of Greenpeace UK, said:

Tories urge Government to act on Greenpeace dioxin claims

Last edited 27 February 2002 at 9:00am
In the tipping hall at SELCHP

In the tipping hall at SELCHP

Conservative champions of the environment?

Last edited 24 February 2002 at 9:00am
Conservative Party logo

Conservative Party logo

Stephen Tindale, Greenpeace UK Executive Director on whether the Conservatives will emerge as champions of the environment

Under new leadership, they present a powerful combination of potential and rhetoric. Iain Duncan Smith gave a strong speech on solar power during the leadership contest, and is said to be personally committed. Peter Ainsworth, the Shadow Environment Secretary, appears thoughtful and intelligent, and boasts a record of environmental activity on the backbench.