
Over 150,000 stand with the people of Lancashire in opposing fracking

Last edited 14 June 2016 at 11:26am
14 June, 2016
Campaigners from Lancashire will today be joined by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth to deliver a 150,000-strong petition calling on the Government to respect Lancashire’s decision to reject fracking.

Local campaigning groups Frack Free Lancashire, Preston New Road Action Group and Roseacre Awareness Group will also be joined by Lancaster and Fleetwood MP Cat Smith, who says fracking has no “democratic mandate” in Lancashire, following the local council’s decision to prohibit the controversial practice.

Taking Microbeads straight to No10!

Posted by Fiona Nicholls — 9 June 2016 at 2:27pm - Comments
312,239 signatures on the microbeads petition
All rights reserved. Credit: David Mirzoeff / Greenpeace

Yesterday, on a rainy summer’s day we took the petition urging David Cameron to ban microbeads to Number 10 Downing Street, complete with 312,239 of YOUR signatures!<--break->

310,000 people call for microbead ban in cosmetic products on World Oceans Day

Last edited 21 June 2016 at 1:45pm
8 June, 2016

London, 8 June 2016 - A coalition of environmental groups marked World Oceans Day by presenting David Cameron with a petition signed by more than 300,000 people calling for the Prime Minister to ban the toxic microplastic particles known as microbeads.

Found in products such as facial scrubs and toothpaste, millions of the tiny plastics are flushed unwittingly into the world’s oceans every year where they ultimately end up in the marine food chain.

A report published last week found that fish can become smaller and slower due to the effects of eating microplastics.

The long list of names were presented at Number 10 by representatives of Greenpeace UK, the Environmental investigation Agency (EIA), Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and the Marine Conservation Society (MCS).

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Government Minister petitions himself

Last edited 19 November 2015 at 9:31am
19 November, 2015
Fisheries Minister George Eustice will today receive a petition signed by himself, calling on himself to implement the measures George Eustice believes that George Eustice should take in redistributing fishing quota to small, sustainable, fishing vessels.

In April, during Greenpeace and NUTFA’s “Coastal Champions” boat tour promoting local fishing, which stopped in 25 coastal communities around England and Wales, George Eustice joined 120 then-parliamentary candidates in signing up to an action plan which called on the Government to reallocate fishing quota from large industrial vessels to local, low-impact, boats in order to create jobs in

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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