
What we are doing about climate change

Last edited 15 November 2006 at 1:12pm
A Greenpeace protestor looking down at cooling towers from the chimney of Didcot power station during a direct action

As an international organisation, we campaign on several fronts - from researching and promoting solutions to climate change (like decentralised energy), to exposing the companies and governments that are blocking action, to lobbying to change national and

What you can do to protect our forests

Last edited 14 November 2006 at 3:10pm

Ancient forests around the world are in peril, but we can still save them. Governments and the timber industry need to understand what a crucial role they play in maintaining global biodiversity, not to mention how vital they are in regulating the climate, so they need to act now.

And as consumers, we can all help to save the forests. Making sure that the wood and paper we buy has come from well-managed sources (or, even better, is 100 per cent recycled) is something we can all easily do.

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