
On the inside: an activist reports from the shop floor

Last edited 29 April 2004 at 8:00am
Richard locks on to the dairy aisle in Romford Sainsbury's

Richard locks on to the dairy aisle in Romford Sainsbury's

Dozens of cows invade flagship Sainsbury's

Last edited 20 February 2004 at 9:00am
20 February, 2004

London shoppers are getting a taste of the countryside today after Greenpeace released more than thirty costume cows into the flagship Sainsbury's store in Greenwich. The invasion is a protest against the supermarket chain's continued support for the GM industry.

Sainsbury's own-brand milk comes from cows fed on American GM animal feed. Although the company claims to lead its rivals in providing quality food, Sainsbury's is supporting the import of thousands of tonnes of GM into the UK every month.

There's something scary in the dairy ...

Last edited 18 September 2003 at 8:00am
What's lurking in the dairy?

What's lurking in the dairy?