southern ocean

Krill-gotten gains to fund Antarctic research

Posted by Willie — 25 February 2015 at 12:42am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Adelie penguins eat so much krill it can turn their poo pink. They'd probably like us not to eat any.

Scientific research and conservation need more cash. That’s sadly usually true. It’s especially the case in the Antarctic where research is expensive but absolutely essential given the massive environmental changes happening there.

But although new streams of funding should welcomed for Antarctic research, it’s also important to question where that funding comes from. After all, there’s just a sliver of a chance that some seemingly good PR is actually a mind-bogglingly cynical act of greenwashing.

Waddle you do to celebrate World Penguin Day?

Posted by Willie — 25 April 2014 at 12:10am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
'Give us a kiss, it's World Penguin Day!'

It’s World Penguin Day today, April 25th, and I simply can’t imagine a world that didn’t have penguins in it. So in order to celebrate our funny fine-flippered friends I thought it would be good to pull together some fun facts about penguins. Some are fun, some are facts, and some are both at once. 

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

How are you celebrating World Penguin Day?

Posted by Willie — 25 April 2013 at 10:39am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Mauthe/Greenpeace
This Gentoo penguin is celebrating - are you?

It’s World Penguin Day today, April 25th, and I simply can’t imagine a world that didn’t have penguins in it. So in order to celebrate our funny fine-flippered friends I thought it would be good to pull together some fun facts about penguins. Some are fun, some are facts, and some are both at once.

Saving the Southern Ocean: the penguins need you!

Posted by Willie — 21 February 2013 at 5:33pm - Comments
King Penguins in the St. Andrews Bay on South Georgia in the Atlantic Ocean
All rights reserved. Credit: Markus Mauthe / Greenpeace
Antarctica's land needs protecting, but so do its oceans

Antarctica is special. It’s home to globally recognisable species that we, as a planet, value. It’s a continent apart from all others, and it’s a place we have all pledged to protect for the future.

But this isolated continent is surrounded by a sea, the Southern Ocean, that doesn’t yet have the protection it needs.

Krill intentions: how low can fishing go?

Posted by Willie — 21 February 2013 at 5:14pm - Comments
Red Krill Oil, advertised by Carol Vorderman
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No fishy taste? Claims that krill fishing is sustainable are hard to swallow

It’s a sad day, but I think I have run out of krill puns. Well, I’ve been banging on about this for a few years now, and since Happy Feet 2 basically unleashed every krill joke possible, courtesy of Matt Damon and Brad Pitt, there’s not a lot left.

And that, dear readers, is my worry about krill itself.

Cracks starting to show - Japan's whaling fleet may leave Southern Ocean early

Posted by Willie — 16 February 2011 at 7:46pm - Comments
A Greenpeace boat tries to prevent whaling ship the Nisshin Maru refuelling in t
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace/Jiri Rezac
A Greenpeace boat tries to prevent whaling ship the Nisshin Maru from refuelling in the Southern Ocean, 2008

In this day and age, commercial whaling is out-of-date and should be out-of-the-question. Sadly it isn’t, but maybe the news that the Japanese whaling fleet might be cutting short its stay in the Southern ocean is cause for some optimism.

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