star wars

Travel restrictions lifted for Greenpeace volunteers and freelance journalist

Last edited 16 October 2001 at 8:00am
16 October, 2001
Star Wars 17Two British volunteers and a British freelance journalist to return home before November Star Wars trial

A Judge ruled today that nine Greenpeace protestors and one freelance journalist, facing felony charges stemming from a peaceful protest against a missile defence test in California on July 14th, can travel home before returning to Los Angeles for trial currently set for November 20, 2001. The two British Greenpeace protestors, Bill Nandris from London and John Wills from Guernsey along with freelance journalist Steve Morgan from Somerset, had been previously restricted to the Central District of California along with six other defendants since July 14th.

What is Bush planning?

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 July, 2001

In late June the Bush administration published the final budget for next years defense programs including missile defense. This was the first glimpse at the conclusions of the review of missile defense programs ordered by the President and decisions about what, if any, programs were to be cut.

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Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2001

When U.S. President Clinton, pressured by political considerations, initiated plans for a National Missile Defense System, he proposed a limited land-based system, costing $60 billion and consisting of 100 interceptor missiles located in Alaska, backed by a network of early warning satellites, ground-based radars and battle management computers. In the words of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the system would be designed to shoot down "a few tens" of incoming missiles.

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30 years campaigning to eliminate nuclear weapons: From Amchitka to Kwajalein

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
22 March, 2007

Greenpeace's campaign to stop a Star Wars missile system evolves from a thirty-year history campaigning for nuclear disarmament.

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5 reasons to oppose Star Wars

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2001

Greenpeace opposes the U.S. Star Wars Missile plan because such a system would ignite a new nuclear arms race. Should the plan go ahead Americans will spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars for a technically flawed scheme that offers only the illusion of protection. There will also be increased nuclear dangers in a world where there are far more nuclear weapons as countries such as China bolster their nuclear arsenals to overcome Star Wars. "Star Wars" sole beneficiaries will be U.S.

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What is Star Wars?

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
28 February, 2001

Greenpeace uses the term "Star Wars" to describe U.S government's proposed National Missile Defence (NMD) because of the current plan's similarity to the "Star Wars" plan promoted by defence contractors and President Ronald Reagan in the 1980's. "Star Wars" is a system of radars and satellites used to detect incoming missiles. These radars and satellites are intended to communicate information to missiles launched from the U.S. to enable them to intercept and destroy the incoming enemy missiles before they reach their target. As yet, the plan remains a only a theory.

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Star Wars quotes

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 March, 2001

Star wars is likely lead to a new arms race, make the US more aggressive in its foreign policy and create new targets for attack, including the UK. Below are a selection of quotes from political leaders, military commanders, parliamentarians, media commentators and foreign affairs specialists on Star Wars (National Missile Defence).

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Star Wars and US nuclear strategy

Last edited 7 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 July, 2001

Building the shield, sharpening the sword

Greenpeace's origins as a peace and environmental organisation were built from its founding rationale: its opposition to the building of nuclear weapons.

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Early Day Motion

Last edited 5 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 June, 2001

That this House expresses concern at President Bush's intention to move beyond the constraints of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in developing missile defence...

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Star Wars 17 trial rescheduled for 8th January 2002

Last edited 5 October 2001 at 8:00am
Vigil for the Star Wars 17Two UK Greenpeace volunteers - Bill Nandris and John Wills, along with UK freelance photographer Steve Morgan, are among 10 non US nationals who on the 15th October were finally given permission to return home by a US court. They were restricted to central California from July onwards, when they were among 17 charged with "conspiracy to violate a safety zone" at Vandenburg airbase following a peaceful protest against Star Wars.

After a court hearing on the 5th November the Judge in the case granted the defence team request for a delay in the trial, which will now begin on the 8th January 2002.

So far, Bill, Steve and John have spent over a week in a maximum security federal jail and a total of 3 months restricted to central California. They now face an anxious period of waiting before their trial date in the new year.