star wars

Oppostion to Star Wars mounts

Last edited 31 May 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
1 May, 2001

Parliamentary briefing

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Greenpeace sails to Star Wars test site

Last edited 31 May 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
22 March, 2001

Parliamentary briefing

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Greenpeace volunteers arrested in protest at heart of Star Wars test site

Last edited 8 May 2001 at 8:00am
8 May, 2001

Rainbow Warrior

Two Greenpeace volunteers were arrested today at the US missile test range at Kwajalein in the Pacific Marshall Islands. The volunteers were protesting against President Bush's missile defence programme, known as "Star Wars", on the first day of a US diplomatic 'charm offensive' to sell the idea to the UK and other countries. 

Bush's dangerous Star Wars plans threaten global security

Last edited 2 May 2001 at 8:00am
2 May, 2001

The expanded US missile defence system, "Star Wars", outlined by President Bush today threatens to ignite a new arms race and completely undermines the cuts in nuclear weapons that he hinted at today.

Labour and Liberal Democrat voters overwhelmingly oppose US Star Wars Missile Project

Last edited 26 April 2001 at 8:00am
26 April, 2001

Greenpeace sets up camp near missile site

Greenpeace establish observation post near Star Wars Pacific test site

69% percent of Labour supporters polled are opposed to the deployment of the US missile defence project, known as "Star Wars", according to a new public opinion poll released today by Greenpeace UK (1).

The poll, of 2,166 people, conducted by, was released as Greenpeace this morning established an observation post near the US missile test site at Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific. The Greenpeace flagship the Rainbow Warrior is also in the area. The US is shortly expected to conduct the latest in a series of tests where they will attempt to shoot down a missile fired at Kwajalein from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Rainbow Warrior arrives at Pacific "Star Wars" test site-UK volunteers aboard

Last edited 5 April 2001 at 8:00am
5 April, 2001

The Greenpeace flagship the Rainbow Warrior has arrived at the Kwajalein Missile Range, in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, to protest against the upcoming US "Star Wars" missile test.

The crew includes volunteers from both the UK and Denmark. US President George Bush requires permission for use of their radar facilities to be given by both the UK and Denmark before the "Star Wars" system can go ahead.

Greenpeace sails to heart of Star Wars testing program to halt new test

Last edited 13 February 2001 at 9:00am
13 February, 2001

rainbow warriorThe international anti-nuclear and environmental organisation Greenpeace announced today that the SV Rainbow Warrior has set sail from Auckland, New Zealand for the Pacific Star Wars test site, to protest at the next scheduled test of the system and to call on U.S. President George W Bush to scrap the programme.

NATO foreign ministers meeting

Last edited 21 January 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 January, 2001

NATO Foreign Ministers meeting as the North Atlantic Council in Brussels have one main item on their official agenda - to formally endorse a report on NATO arms control and disarmament policy.

Download the report:

Greenpeace brands Hague 'naive'

Last edited 12 January 2001 at 9:00am
12 January, 2001


Greenpeace today described as 'naive' William Hague's announcement that the Conservative Party would make support for the US Star Wars program an election manifesto commitment.

Nine Greenpeace activists arrested in protests at both ends of the failed Star Wars test

Last edited 10 July 2000 at 8:00am
10 July, 2000

Following today's failed missile test launch Greenpeace has repeated its call for President Clinton to reject plans for a new "Star Wars" missile defence system.

Initial reports stated that the anti-missile weapon failed to intercept a Minuteman II rocket over the Pacific Ocean. Two of the three tests of the system have now failed.

"The failed test just emphasises what a failure in judgement the whole Star Wars programme is," said Greenpeace nuclear disarmament campaigner, William Peden.

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