stop the war

'Marchwood 14' denied Attorney General's advice on the legality of the war

Last edited 11 March 2004 at 9:00am

'Marchwood 14' denied Attorney General's advice on the legality of the war

Marchwood 14 defendants at Southampton Magistrates Court

Court report: Day 2

'Marchwood 14' denied Attorney General's advice on legality of Iraq war

Last edited 10 March 2004 at 9:00am
10 March, 2004

Judge also denies permission to call Elizabeth Wilmhurst

Lawyers for the Attorney General today succeeded in keeping his full advice on the legality of the war secret.

Greenpeace had this morning sought a witness summons forcing the government to reveal the full advice. Greenpeace says the advice is vital to the defence of 14 of its volunteers, who face charges relating to the occupation of tanks at Marchwood military base in the run up to the war.

'Marchwood 14' lawyers put Attorney General on the spot

Last edited 9 March 2004 at 9:00am
'No war' stencilled on tank at peace camp
'No war' stencilled on tank at peace camp

Court report: Day 1

Greenpeace defendants will raise legality of war in court

Last edited 8 March 2004 at 9:00am
8 March, 2004

What's happening?
Tony Blair's legal case for war will come under scrutiny on Tuesday when fourteen Greenpeace activists appear in court in Southampton. They face charges relating to the occupation of tanks in February 2003 at the Marchwood military port in Southampton, from where hardware and supplies were being sent to Iraq. The occupation was part of a week of actions at Marchwood aimed at stopping the build up to war (1).

Attorney-General faces summons demand in Greenpeace case

Last edited 8 March 2004 at 9:00am
8 March, 2004

Tony Blair's attempt to conceal the legal advice he received on the Iraq war suffered a blow today as Greenpeace revealed it is seeking a witness summons against the Attorney-General.

Marchwood 14 demand Attorney General's advice

Last edited 4 March 2004 at 9:00am
Marchwood 14 anti-war protesters

Following Lord Goldsmith's declaration that he would stand up in court to defend his advice to go to war in Iraq, Greenpeace has asked the Attorney-General to appear as a witness in a case against 14 of our activists in Southampton next week.

If Lord Goldsmith refuses, we will ask the trial judge to issue a summons against him.

Government faces further headache over legal case for war

Last edited 28 February 2004 at 9:00am
28 February, 2004

Whistle-blower case has 'huge implications' for Greenpeace protesters

Tony Blair faces further embarrassment in less than a fortnight, when fourteen Greenpeace volunteers appear in court on charges relating to an anti-war protest. Their case has taken on great significance since the Crown Prosection Service (CPS) claimed the case against Katherine Gun was dropped because they could not "disprove the defence of necessity" -- that is to say, they could not counter the defence that her actions were justified to save lives.

Greenpeace UK actions taken against the war and their legal consequences

Last edited 28 February 2004 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: February 2004

Greenpeace opposed the war in Iraq and campaigned actively to prevent it. We made submissions to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee on the illegality of the war, and issued various public statements on the subject. Greenpeace UK also took a series of actions over a period of ten days in the lead up to the Iraq war to prevent the transport of military hardware to the Gulf.

Download the report:

Free speech on trial

Last edited 19 November 2003 at 9:00am

President George W Bush is visiting the UK this week. Prior to his arrival, he told the BBC that protestors didn't worry him, adding that they were "lucky" to live in a country "where people are free to say anything".

Yet George Bush's administration is prosecuting an entire organisation - Greenpeace - for the peaceful activities of its members.

US administration is presented with radiation reality in Iraq

Last edited 4 July 2003 at 8:00am
Radiation barrels are presented to Iraqi administration

Radiation barrels are presented to Iraqi administration