
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

From our radiation sampling team in Japan

Posted by jamie — 29 March 2011 at 10:15am - Comments
Jacob Namminga checks a colleague's boots for traces of radioactivity
All rights reserved. Credit: Christian Åslund/Greenpeace
Jacob Namminga checks a colleague's boots for traces of radioactivity

Jacob Namminga, one of our radiation safety advisors, spoke to Brian Fitzgerald at our international office, about the radiation monitoring that began on Saturday March 26, in a rural area of Japan to the north west of the Fukushima nuclear plant.

The trip's aim was to asses the true extent of radiation risks to the local population, which has reported radiation levels of up to ten micro sieverts per hour in Iitate village, 20km beyond the official evacuation zone - levels high enough to require evacuation. As told to Brian, here are Jacob's reflections on the trip.

Kashiwazaki nuclear plant - report from the scene

Posted by bex — 24 July 2007 at 6:28pm - Comments

After the conflicting reports about last week's earthquake in Japan, a Greenpeace team of nuclear and radiation experts headed over to Japan to check radiation levels on the ground.

Happily, most places the team checked around the plant didn't show signs of increased radioactivity, but they had a couple of bizarre moments along the way. Their diaries are on our international site.

Future radiation doses from waste dumping to exceed 2005 limits

Posted by bex — 4 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments
Estimates of radiation doses to the public in the future, from the release of radioactive materials from the Drigg nuclear dump site, could reach up to 30 times than the legal maximum permissible now! Moreover, Drigg, the UK's main low-level waste dump is likely to be destroyed by coastal erosion in 500 years.

Greenpeace supports radiation and health conference

Posted by bex — 5 May 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Three Mile Island nuclear plant

Three Mile Island nuclear plant

US administration is presented with radiation reality in Iraq

Last edited 4 July 2003 at 8:00am
Radiation barrels are presented to Iraqi administration

Radiation barrels are presented to Iraqi administration

Greenpeace takes Tuwaitha radiation to heart of administration in Iraq

Last edited 4 July 2003 at 8:00am
4 July, 2003
Radiation Barrels are Presented to Iraqi Administration in Iraq

Radiation Barrels are Presented to Iraqi Administration in Iraq

Greenpeace rolls out new water barrels in Tuwaitha

Last edited 30 June 2003 at 8:00am
A Tawaitha woman carries a Greenpeace water barrel

A Tawaitha woman carries a Greenpeace water barrel