stop the war

UK government seizes Rainbow Warrior on anti-war protest

Last edited 1 February 2003 at 9:00am
1 February, 2003

Ministry of Defence officials tonight arrested the Greepeace flagship the Rainbow Warrior after a six-day anti-war protest in the UK. Up to twenty police boarded the vessel at just after 10:00pm local time. A further six Ministry of Defence and police boats, as well as a Royal Navy tugboat, are surrounding the Rainbow Warrior.

Rainbow Warrior resumes blockade at military port

Last edited 1 February 2003 at 9:00am
1 February, 2003

Greenpeace flagship the Rainbow Warrior today (1/2/03) set up a peace blockade at Southampton's Marchwood military port stopping military hardware leaving for the Gulf. Greenpeace resumed the peace blockade by anchoring the Rainbow Warrior directly in front of the military port where supply vessel 'Dart 8' is loading with helicopters, tanks and jeeps.

Stop the war campaign

Last edited 1 February 2003 at 9:00am

Stop the war campaign

activist image from inside tank

Greenpeace is opposed to war in Iraq and has begun an international campaign to prevent it. We have joined the Stop the War coalition. We will remain opposed, whether or not an attack is sanctioned by the United Nations.

Greenpeace volunteers set up peace camp on military supply ship

Last edited 30 January 2003 at 9:00am
30 January, 2003

A team of Greenpeace volunteers today (30/1/03 8.00am) boarded and set up a peace camp on a military supply ship bound for the Gulf with a cargo of military hardware. The five volunteers climbed on to the vessel the MV Lyra as it was leaving its anchorage in the Solent. The millions of pounds worth of miltary cargo came from Southampton's Marchwood port which Greenpeace's flagship the Rainbow Warrior successfully blockaded on Monday.

News from the Rainbow Warrior blocking the Magdelana Green

Last edited 28 January 2003 at 9:00am
Volunteer aboard the container vessel Magdelana Green

Volunteer aboard the container vessel Magdelana Green

Rainbow Warrior blockades UK military port

Last edited 27 January 2003 at 9:00am
27 January, 2003

Greenpeace cut military supply chain to war in Iraq

Write to Tony Blair!

Last edited 24 January 2003 at 9:00am
Australia: Greenpeace inflatable boat alongside HMAS Kanimbla protesting the deployment of troops to Iraq

Australia: Greenpeace inflatable boat alongside HMAS Kanimbla protesting the deployment of troops to Iraq

Why Greenpeace opposes war against Iraq

Last edited 18 January 2003 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

Greenpeace statement on possible war with Iraq.

Publication date: January 2003

Greenpeace opposes the war because:

  • It would have devastating human and environmental consequences
  • Bush is clearly trying to get control of Iraq's oil reserves
  • War is an ineffective way to deal with weapons of mass destruction

Download the report:

Greenpeace statement on war with Iraq

Last edited 25 September 2002 at 8:00am

Greenpeace is opposed to the war against Iraq. We are part of the Stop the War coalition and will continue to campaign for a peaceful, diplomatic solution.

Greenpeace opposes the war because: