
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Yesterday a Bafta, today the world

Posted by bex — 4 April 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Thandie Newton in her Toyota Prius

After winning a BAFTA in February for her performance in "Crash", Thandie Newton has now set her sights even higher: on doing her bit to save the planet.

Last year, the actor found a Greenpeace leaflet stuck to the windscreen of her family's SUV. A short while later, she traded in her gas guzzling 4x4 for a fuel efficient Toyota Prius, which switches between petrol and electric to get nearly three times more miles to the gallon than her old BMW X5.

Britain could be a rubbish-free society says ground-breaking study

Last edited 18 March 2002 at 9:00am
18 March, 2002

Landfill: UK could be waste free

Greenpeace publishes the first ever Zero Waste plan for the UK

The UK could be a rubbish-free zone according to a revolutionary new report. 'Zero Waste' by leading waste expert Robin Murray, explains how Britain could maximise recycling levels, change product design to eliminate waste and find innovative new uses for the rubbish we generate. The study also details the government policies and finance needed to make Zero Waste a reality.

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