UK policy

Housing Bill Amendment briefing

Last edited 10 November 2004 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
10 November, 2004


Housing Bill Amendments Briefing

This briefing focuses on two 'Lords Amendments'; No. 190 & 191, which call for decent homes standard for social housing and improvements in energy efficiency.


Download the report:

Blair accused of hypocrisy on Amazon timber imports as Greenpeace takes

Last edited 4 March 2002 at 9:00am
4 March, 2002

Greenpeace today accused Tony Blair of hypocrisy as they took the Government to court to try and stop Britain importing illegally logged mahogany from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest (1).

Greenpeace first alerted the Government to the illegal shipments on January 31st, after investigations revealed that two cargoes of Brazilian mahogany were headed to the UK - despite a complete ban on mahogany logging and export being imposed by the Brazilian Government late last year (2).

The future of UK energy policy - a leaked report

Posted by bex — 31 January 2002 at 9:00am - Comments
Offshore wind farm, oeresund

Offshore wind farm, oeresund

Today Greenpeace is taking the unusual step of publishing a leaked copy of a draft summary of a report detailing the future of UK energy policy.

The government is leaving the door open for a wave of dangerous new nuclear power stations across Britain, according to the confidential report, which is part of the government's Energy Review.

Timid targets for the generation of energy by renewable technology - like wind, wave and solar power - are also being set.

Greenpeace reaction to Tony Blair's speech, 'Environment: the next steps',

Last edited 7 March 2001 at 9:00am
Clearcut forest in British ColumbiaStephen Tindale, Greenpeace Policy Director, said,

"This is the first indication that the Prime Minister is genuinely and personally committed to the fight against climate change. The 100 million to support solar power, wave power and offshore wind is a breakthrough - no British Government has been prepared to invest in solar or wave until now. It's only a down payment, as Tony Blair recognised, but it's a very welcome first step.

"It's now up to the other parties to follow his lead and outline their plans on climate. Calling for lower petrol prices and threatening to scrap the Climate Change Levy suggest that the Conservatives have forgotten everything they ever learnt about climate change.

"Tony Blair also committed himself to lead the international efforts to stop illegal logging, and promised that the British Government would only buy timber from legal and sustainable sources. This means only timber which is independently certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. This is a powerful message to the market place."