
Poll analysis shows Sheffield result was swung by

Last edited 15 May 2002 at 8:00am
15 May, 2002

Sheffield incinerator: toxic crime scene

An analysis of votes cast in the local elections in Sheffield on May 2nd reveals that opposition to a new incinerator in the city may have swung two key wards from the Liberal Democrats to Labour. The swing resulted in the Liberal Democrats losing control of the city - a stark contrast to the situation in Hull where the Liberal Democrats were opposed to incineration and enjoyed massive electoral success. The poll analysis was conducted by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace and is attached. 

Commenting on the poll analysis, Mark Strutt, head of the incineration campaign at Greenpeace, said:

"It's very clear that the new incinerator at Bernard Rd was a significant factor in the Sheffield result. If the Sheffield Liberal Democrats had followed the line from their national office and opposed incineration they would still be in control of the city."

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