green investment bank

Video: Remember George, green bank = new jobs

Posted by jossc — 19 October 2010 at 3:38pm - Comments

Greenpeace climbers scaled the Treasury building on the eve of the government's spending review, to hang a banner urging Chancellor George Osborne to create a Green Investment Bank which could create tens of thousands of new jobs by funding low-carbon programmes across the country.

George's top 10 green promises

Posted by jamess — 19 October 2010 at 6:44am - Comments

A few moments ago, four of our activists scaled the Treasury building where George Osborne works to deliver him a reminder: Green Bank = New Jobs. Right now he’s finalising the package of government cuts and spending that’s going to be released tomorrow, but we don’t want to see the potential for a green economy and new jobs squeezed out by the spending review.

A few moments ago, four of our activists scaled the Treasury building where George Osborne works to deliver him a reminder: Green Bank = New Jobs

Right now he’s finalising the package of government cuts and spending that’s going to be released tomorrow, but we don’t want to see the potential for a green economy and new jobs squeezed out by the spending review.

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