green investment bank

Investigation finds Australian bank Macquarie could be poised to asset strip UK Green Investment Bank

Last edited 10 January 2017 at 12:08pm
10 January, 2017
  1. Evidence uncovered of potential preparation for ‘asset stripping’ of GIB will add to concern around the deal from former ministers Greg Barker and Vince Cable and business figures such as Richard Branson.
  2. Macquarie preferred bidder despite track record of UK ‘asset stripping’ activity linked to other UK infrastructure acquisitions including M6 and Thames Water. 
  3. Green groups add voice to calls on Government for sale to Macquarie to be stopped.

An investigation has uncovered a process within the Green Investment Bank (GIB) establishing corporate structures commonly used in preparations for ‘asset-stripping’, ahead of its purchase by controversial Australian bank Macquarie from the UK Government for an estimated £2bn. 

Green Investment Bank releases results

Last edited 24 June 2014 at 10:51am

Greenpeace response

24 June, 2014

London - In response to the Green Investment Bank's announcement of their annual results, Greenpeace UK energy campaigner Louise Hutchins said :

“One year on, the Green Investment Bank is clearly a success story, driving investment where it is needed in Britain’s cutting edge renewable industries. But the level of investment still doesn’t match Britain’s strategic requirements. George Osborne should now give the Bank freedom to borrow to invest at a much bigger scale, to modernise Britain’s decaying, polluting energy system and give a boost to the economy.

Briefing: Green Investment Bank

Last edited 16 October 2012 at 2:35pm
The Government is introducing legislation to establish a Green Investment Bank in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill. The Report stage of the Bill will be debated in the Commons on 16th and 17th October 2012.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace reaction to Vestas offshore wind turbine factory plan in UK

Last edited 11 May 2011 at 4:04pm
11 May, 2011

Greenpeace today welcomed the announcement by Vestas that they will build a factory for offshore wind turbines in Kent employing up to 2,000 people.

John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK said:

“This is excellent news and shows that there are real jobs and huge opportunities for the UK in renewable energy. The government now needs to create the right regulatory framework to build a sustainable green economy.

Why are the oil companies complaining?

Posted by Richardg — 18 April 2011 at 4:41pm - Comments
Cairn's tugs drag icebergs out the way of its Arctic oil drilling rig
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
Cairn's tugs drag icebergs out the way of its Arctic oil drilling rig

Ever since last month’s Budget, oil companies have been complaining about George Osborne’s tax on North Sea oil and gas. Yet many have just announced record profits - boosted considerably by current sky-high oil prices. What do they take us for?

'Greenest government ever' keeps us addicted to oil and other dirty energies

Posted by jamie — 24 March 2011 at 4:32pm - Comments

So yesterday's budget was from the self-proclaimed 'greenest government ever', but was it the greenest budget ever? How could it be, when it has done nothing to break our addiction with oil, hobbled the Green Investment Bank before it's even started, and provided a windfall for nuclear power.

Budget 2011 briefing

Last edited 29 March 2011 at 11:59am
Publication date: 
29 March, 2011

A briefing prepared in advance of the 2011 UK government budget, explaining how the chancellor's decisions will affect the Green Investment Bank, clean energy schemes, transport solutions and the carbon levy.

Download the report:

The one bank we really should be saving

Posted by jamess — 17 December 2010 at 11:17am - Comments

HBOS? Bailed. Lloyds TSB? Done. RBS? I'll get my chequebook. Green Investment Bank? Erm, no thanks.

The only bailing being done by today's government is on its green promises, and one stands out bigger than the rest: the commitment to establish a Green Investment Bank.

Government 'Surrenders to Old Guard' Over Energy Plans

Last edited 15 December 2010 at 5:29pm

Tomorrow's energy market reforms overshadowed by U-turn on Green Investment Bank

15 December, 2010

Tomorrow the Government will propose reforms to the energy market which aim to kickstart the process of rebuilding Britain's power infrastructure over the coming decades.

But today's Guardian newspaper also reports that Climate and Energy Secretary Chris Huhne is considering downgrading plans for a new 'Green Investment Bank', which would strip it of powers to issue 'green bonds' and leave it with the status of a conventional government fund for an unspecified period of time.

Reacting to the news, Greenpeace policy director Dr. Doug Parr said:

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