Got oil in your pension?

Posted by jamie — 16 September 2010 at 5:23pm - Comments

Watch this animation to find out how your pension money could be bankrolling destructive oil companies like BP - and what you can do about it.

Many of the world's most popular pension funds are deep in dirty oil. If you've got oil in yours, you're not alone, but it also means that collectively, we've got the power to influence our pension funds to shift the big oil companies to clean energy.

BP oil spill report - Greenpeace response

Last edited 8 September 2010 at 6:47pm
8 September, 2010

Responding to BP's report on the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Jim Footner, head of Greenpeace's energy campaign, said:

"This report is a sorry catalogue of the gaffes and failures behind the Deepwater Horizon disaster. And it's highly likely that a truly independent report would be even more damning for BP.

"Worryingly, they're just weeks away from drilling at similar depths in UK waters. The Government must step in right now and stop this by introducing a moratorium on deep water drilling.

New deep sea drilling is not only irrational, our lawyers say it's illegal too

Posted by jamess — 2 September 2010 at 9:34am - Comments

BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

Today our lawyers sent a letter to the UK government threatening legal action over their decision to continue giving licenses for deep sea oil drilling even before we know for certain the causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

BP pulls out of Arctic drilling bid - Greenpeace response

Last edited 26 August 2010 at 12:39pm
26 August, 2010

This morning the Guardian newspaper reported that BP has pulled out of bidding for a controversial drilling licence off the West Coast of Greenland in the Arctic.

Speaking from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza, which is currently anchored near Cairn Energy's drilling rig off the West coast of Greenland, Greenpeace climate campaigner Jon Burgwald said:

BP are out, but the race is still on.

Posted by jamess — 26 August 2010 at 10:23am - Comments

So it's official: BP are out of the arctic oil race. Word is that our confrontation with Cairn Energy is scaring off the oil giant. In the words of a senior source, "with the Greenpeace ship already harassing Cairn off Greenland - a company which has an exemplary safety record - everyone realised it would be political madness to give the green light to BP".

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Breaking our oil addiction

Posted by lisavickers — 18 August 2010 at 1:47pm - Comments

Leila, Greenpeace climate campaigner, writes from the Esperanza...

Blimey, isn't everyone getting their knickers in a twist about where the great ship Esperanza is headed. After the news of The Faroe Islands calling on 'special forces', the internet is alive with speculation about where we'll end up.The Faroes' massive overreaction makes the point more clearly than Greenpeace could - our countries are addicted to oil and we all need help to get off it.


The oil is still out there

Posted by jamess — 17 August 2010 at 3:55pm - Comments

If you believed the BP-fuelled media spin, you'd think the Gulf of Mexico spill was all cleaned up.

Not so. According to a report today from scientists from the University of Georgia, up to 80 per cent of the oil which leaked from the Deepwater Horizon disaster is still out there.

Oil lobbyists trying to weaken law which would keep tar sands out of Europe

Posted by jamie — 3 August 2010 at 3:04pm - Comments

The BP stations we closed down last week have all long since opened again but the effects our thirst for oil is having on the planet continue. The oil spill in the Gulf is now officially the largest accidental spill ever, and the environmental havoc being wrought in China, Nigeria and elsewhere doesn't get the same news coverage but is just as disastrous.

Meanwhile, lobbyists working for BP and other oil pushers are busy trying to hobble laws and legislation which could set us on the road to reducing our oil dependency and making the transition to a cleaner energy future. One such piece of legislation is the Fuel Quality Directive and if its full potential is realised, it could prevent fuels from dirty sources like tar sands being sold in Europe.

We've got a new BP logo. Now let's spread it

Posted by jamess — 2 August 2010 at 11:27am - Comments

Three months ago we asked you to help rebrand BP and design them a logo better suited to a company responsible for a string of environmental disasters, including the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

After more than 2,000 submissions, over 2,000,000 hits on the Flickr group and more than 25,000 votes, we have a new logo for BP.

Now it's down to all of us to spread it.

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