
Drought in the Amazon: are deforestation and climate change to blame?

Posted by admin — 26 October 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Forest fires fires account for more than 75% of Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions


The Amazon rainforest plays a very important role in the production of water vapor across the region. Around half of the area's rainfall comes from moisture evaporating from the forest (before it penetrates into the soil) and plant transpiration. The fewer trees there are, the less water is returned to the atmosphere.

Is the Amazon running dry?

Posted by admin — 24 October 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Canoes stranded on the Lago do Cristo Reis during one of the worst droughts ever recorded in the Amazon region

Home to the greatest variety of life on Earth, the Amazon is both the largest rainforest and the largest river basin in the world, covering over 6,000 square kilometres. In a normal year the region receives over two metres (seven feet) of rainfall. Yet since January 2005 this fabled 'land of waters' has been affected by an increasingly catastrophic drought, estimated to be the worst for 40 years.

Amazon soya king receives Golden Chainsaw award

Posted by admin — 20 June 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Brazilian TV presenters about to award the 'Golden Chainsaw' to soya king Blairo Maggi


Thanks to the over 30,000 international web supporters who voted in our web poll, Blairo Maggi, the world's biggest soya farmer and governor of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, was awarded the 'Golden Chainsaw Award' by Greenpeace last week.

A clear winner with over 37 per cent of the vote, Maggi came ahead of Brazilian President Lula da Silva, recently criticized for failing to stem the level of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

Trashing of the Amazon continues - highest year of forest destruction on record

Last edited 19 May 2005 at 8:00am
19 May, 2005

New Amazon deforestation figures released by the Brazilian Government yesterday evening (18th May 2005) showed that 26,130 square kilometres of rainforest were wrecked between August 2003 and August 2004, an area larger than Wales.

Big victory for Amazon communities over extractive reserves

Last edited 10 November 2004 at 9:00am
10 November, 2004

Greenpeace today (1st November 2004) enthusiastically welcomed the signing of two official decrees by Brazilian President, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, creating extractive reserves (RESEX) in the Brazilian Amazon.

Historic victory for mahogany and ancient rainforests

Last edited 14 November 2002 at 9:00am
14 November, 2002

Greenpeace today welcomed the decision to list Brazilian mahogany as a priority species in need of increased international protection. Big Leaf Mahogany, which is used primarily in high-end furniture, is found in tropical forests from the South of Mexico through Central America and down to the Amazon. Whilst the US is the largest importer, a significant volume is still traded in the UK. Brazilian mahogany dining tables sell at Harrods.

UK Government hypocrisy exposed as German authorities act to stop illegal mahogany imports

Last edited 22 March 2002 at 9:00am
22 March, 2002

Illegal mahogany trade

Greenpeace today condemned the British Government for failing in its commitment to protect ancient forests as it was revealed that authorities in Germany have impounded a cargo of illegally logged mahogany from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest - almost identical to one the UK government refused to seize earlier this month. Authorities in Belgium have today also committed to action on this issue.

The Brazilian mahogany, imported to Germany by international timber trader DLH, was seized by German authorities upon its arrival in Hamburg docks at the beginning of March. The mahogany has been impounded whilst the Government attempts to clarify with Brazilian Authorities whether or not the mahogany contravenes a mahogany logging and trade ban imposed by the Brazilian government at the end of last year.

Explaining the German government's action the Deputy Minister for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, Mathias Berninger, said that "This mahogany is from the Rainforest of Brazil and originates presumably from dubious forest management We are holding this mahogany and we will not release it, until it is ensured that it was logged under reasonable circumstances." (1)

A further cargo of mahogany is destined for Belgium and the UK. Today the Belgian Minister for the Environment, Magda Aelvoet stated that "The trade in mahogany from dubious origin is unacceptable. In such circumstances Belgium will detain mahogany as long as there is no absolute clarity about the legal status of the produced mahogany." (2)

Greenpeace call for change in law on illegal timber imports

Last edited 4 March 2002 at 9:00am
4 March, 2002
Illegal mahogany trade

Illegal mahogany trade

Blair accused of hypocrisy on Amazon timber imports as Greenpeace takes

Last edited 4 March 2002 at 9:00am
4 March, 2002

Greenpeace today accused Tony Blair of hypocrisy as they took the Government to court to try and stop Britain importing illegally logged mahogany from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest (1).

Greenpeace first alerted the Government to the illegal shipments on January 31st, after investigations revealed that two cargoes of Brazilian mahogany were headed to the UK - despite a complete ban on mahogany logging and export being imposed by the Brazilian Government late last year (2).

Greenpeace takes the UK government to court over illegal mahogany imports

Last edited 26 February 2002 at 9:00am