
Brazilian government bans mahogany logging in historic campaign victory

Last edited 6 December 2001 at 9:00am
6 December, 2001

Greenpeace calls on UK Government to take action and seize all mahogany to support Brazilian Government ban

Today Greenpeace welcomed the unprecedented Decree (1) by the Brazilian Government to ban all mahogany logging that is not certified.

The Brazilian challenge

Last edited 23 November 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
23 November, 2001

Securing the non-GM soya supply

This is a briefing by Greenpeace for the UK food and feed industry on the Brazilian non-GM soya supply.

Consumers in the UK and Europe continue to demand non-GM food, and animal products fed on non-GM feed. However, some companies are concerned about threats to the non-GM status of Brazil, the major non-GM producing country.

Download the report:

Greenpeace calls on UK government to seize mahogany as Brazilian government bans trade

Last edited 25 October 2001 at 8:00am
25 October, 2001

Greenpeace investigation reveals trail of illegal destruction from the Amazon Indian lands to Harrods

Greenpeace today called on the UK Government to seize imports of Brazilian mahogany coming into UK ports and for retailers, including Harrods and the John Lewis Partnership, to immediately remove mahogany products from their stores.

Partners in mahogany crime

Last edited 25 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
25 October, 2001

Amazon at the mercy of 'gentlemen's agreements'

Download the report:

Deni Indians win legal right to their Amazon land

Last edited 22 October 2001 at 8:00am
22 October, 2001

Greenpeace commends the Deni for protecting their land from illegal logging

Manaus, Brazil, 18 October 2001: After a two year struggle supported by Greenpeace, Missionary Indigenist Council (CIMI), and Operacao Amazonia Nativa (OPAN), the Deni Indians of the Brazilian Amazon won formal recognition of their rights to their traditional land.

Death threat to Greenpeace Amazon campaigner

Last edited 10 October 2001 at 8:00am
10 October, 2001
Paulo Adario, Greenpeace Amazon campaigner
Paulo Adario, Greenpeace Amazon campaigner

Greenpeace today vowed that a death threat to one of its campaigners would not deter the environmental organisation from working to protect the Amazon from destruction. A telephone call was made to a house where Greenpeace campaigners live and work in Manaus, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon, threatening death to Paulo Adario, the Co-ordinator of Greenpeace's Amazon Campaign.

Paulo Adario said, "This is not only a threat against my life but, of greater importance, it is a threat to all people who campaign to protect the Amazon. It is clear that our recent work exposing illegal logging of mahogany in the Amazon is at the base of this threat. In Brazil it is well known that most of the mahogany trade is controlled by criminals, who for too long have been allowed to operate with impunity."

The Amazon rainforest: history

Last edited 4 September 2001 at 8:00am
Illegal logging in the Amazon

Illegal logging in the Amazon

The world's ancient forests are in trouble. Only one fifth of original forest cover globally remains in large tracts, and almost half of that is under threat from activities such as mining, agriculture and, most importantly, commercial logging. Of the remaining ancient forests, the largest is the Amazon. The size of Western Europe - an area of 370 million hectares - the Brazilian Amazon alone comprises one third of the world's remaining tropical forests.

Greenpeace warns Brazilian government: Genetically modified soya approval would be illegal

Last edited 31 July 2001 at 8:00am
31 July, 2001

On Monday 30th July 2001, Greenpeace erected a large concrete sculpture of Brazil's federal constitution in front the of the Ministry of Agriculture in Brasilia to remind Minister Marcus Vinicius Pratini de Moraes that he is not legally authorised to approve the commercial growing of Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) Roundup-Ready soybeans. The Minister had announced last week that he would issue a permit for such growing in due time before Brazil's planting season in September 2001.

Expedition updates from Rebecca Lerer, Greenpeace press officer and writer

Last edited 19 March 2001 at 9:00am





Cuniua River, Deni Lands, February 26th

Expedition updates from Rebecca Lerer, Greenpeace press officer and writer

Last edited 19 March 2001 at 9:00am
deni group 
Arua River, Macahaini camp, Deni lands, Friday, February 23rd and Saturday, February 24th